So, Janae opened the door and we danced in, with Ricky Martin playing in the background (courtesy of my Dad's iPod). Tyler and Danny were especially vigorous with the maraca shaking, I was getting down with some serious shimmying, and even Macie and Davis were feelin' the rhythm. When the chorus hit, we all sang "Go! Go! Go! With Brian on a Date! Go! Go! Go! It's gonna be real great! Go! Go! Go! With Brian on a date! Go! Go! Go! Won't keep you out too late!" Then we presented Janae with a bag of beans, hot sauce, and chips which read "Janae, I BEAN thinking you be a HOT date for de prom. If it's not too CORNY, you go wit me, OK?"
Hopefully she won't think it's too corny, or cheesy, and she'll answer with a creative "YES!"
Here we are, "CHEESING" it up for the camera in Grams and Grampy's pool, as we celebrated Tyler's birthday earlier in the day, and before our "CHEESY" dance number.

Our FHE installment for tonight will be short and sweet, since I've already updated the blog two other times today. We had our Gunnell family FHE yesterday, anyway, since Danny is back in Utah for his 100 mile Moab bike ride and the kids and I are here until Thursday.
DAVIS - Gladys Knight said he has great lungs and he looks sharp. See previous blog.
REID - Made it through the whole car ride to Las Vegas without crying or whining once. A huge hip-hip-hooray for that one!
MACIE - Also made the drive without whining. Passed off two new books in one week (her pre-school reading assignments. We are so proud of our little smarty-pants!).
ME - Packed the family and got us all ready to leave Provo at a reasonable hour. Prepared fun activities for each day of "EASTER WEEK" -- so that the kids can celebrate the last week of Christ's life.
DANNY - Sold another 7.5% of Keystone! (Whoo-hoo! I'm really celebrating this, since we had a lot of our own money invested in that one!) Mowed Grams and Grampy's lawn. Saw his first ever Las Vegas show!
We discussed President Boyd K. Packer's talk, The Weak and Simple of the Church. The kids really seemed to like it, especially when I related the writings of Paul (when he speaks of the body, asking which parts are the most important). We had lots of fave quotes, but the one we choose to publish is "In the service of the Lord, it is not where you serve but how." Hope you enjoy it too!
so guys are great to help with your brother's prom the pictures!!! Wish we were enjoying a pool and warm weather here, but just a few more months....congrats to everyone's accomplishments this week
You guys are so much FUN! I love seeing pics of your cute family--I get a kick out of how much your kids look like Danny!
I love reading your blog updates! You will have to let me know next time you are in Vegas!
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