Little Reid, our hard-worker out in the garden. Nice boots. :)

Davis - His top teeth are growing closer together, so he looks less like a hippo. Hooray!
Reid - He went to the store! Hooray! (We went birthday shopping for his big #3 at Toys-R-Us today. He is still too small for the smallest bike. Poor little shrimpy boy. But he did like the scooters, nerf guns, legos, Diego computer game, automated baseball pitcher, basketball hoop, and cash register -- so I think we'll be able to think of another good present for him.)
Macie - She made a snake at preschool (expert scizzor-cutting skills required). Hooray! And she recovered from Strep throat (as did Reid).
Mary - Almost finished painting the Manti temple for Grammie (Danny's mom). Prepped the garden for carrots (which I will plant tomorrow, hopefully!). Did a stellar job taking care of kids with Strep. Hooray -- double hooray that they are better!
Danny - Hired a CFO for Liberty Pioneer. Rototilled the garden (a huge Hooray for that one!). Took the scouts on an awesome campout this weekend (if you call staying at a cabin in Midway a "campout"). And, researched and purchased a state-of-the-art security system for our home! Now (hopefully) people will stop robbing us! Hooray!
And the lesson for the night was on Elder Enrique R. Falabella's talk, "Why Are We Members of the Only True Church?" The quote for the week is:
"...we headed down an avenue at the end of which we could see the house of the Lord, gleaming and beautiful. I remember the joy which filled our hearts; we all broke out in songs and praising, and tears ran down the cheeks of many Saints.
Later in the temple, we knelt as a family to hear the beautiful promises about an eternal family, with the certainty that our mother, though absent, was now our mother forever, and we felt the peace which comes from knowing that we are an eternal family."
Later in the temple, we knelt as a family to hear the beautiful promises about an eternal family, with the certainty that our mother, though absent, was now our mother forever, and we felt the peace which comes from knowing that we are an eternal family."
We loved many things about this talk, but as we studied it again tonight, Danny and I both remembered how touched we were during conference when Elder Falabella spoke of this temple experience and the eternal blessings we've been given! We love this family and we love this gospel!
I loved the update! What's this about getting robbed? I think we are out of the loop! And Macie and Reid sure look cute with the pizza faces. I'm impressed you are already able to roto-till and work in the garden. Our yard is still covered in snow...
Hey Mary! Your blog is great. What a beautiful family you have! Looks like you are all are doing well & keeping busy. Is it okay for me to put your name on my blog list? You can check mine out @ johnandjoanna@blogspot.com
Hope to talk to you soon!
Hah!! I've been telling Mike it's not to early to roto-till for our garden, but he's insisted that we don't have to do it for two more weeks. I can't wait to tell him of yet another person who has already prepped theirs (he's heard multiple examples already...) and...fun accomplishments! Birthday time is approaching and way to go with the alarm purchase, painting, CFO, and strep recoveries!!! We love you guys!
We love your new FHE blogs. We might have to copy you because they are so cool. Those pictures of the kiddos are SO cute! Reid smiles so cute for the camera now. Yeah! Macie is adorable as always, and Davis is a cute little munchkin. Man, those kids are growing up so fast without us. We miss you guys and are SOOO happy that you are coming to Vegas so we will get to see you! Hooray!! Love ya.
Mary - you are the the best... thanks for doing our family blog!!
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