...to fix my puter."

So... as I said in my last blog, our computer has been broken for a while. We lost the internet, the desktop froze, and finally the DVD-R broke down. Well, after leaving it at the shop for a few weeks (they said it would just be 48 hours... yeah, right) we brought it home and found that the DVD drive still didn't work. I tried everything to pry it open, but even an expert paper-clipper like myself could not get it to pop. Finally, we decided to just buy a new DVD drive and have Danny's brother Brad install it (Brad is much smarter than we are when it comes to things like that... well, actually, he is much smarter than us when it comes to just about everything...). Anyway, Brad was taking the old DVD-R out of the computer while Danny and I were watching his brillance, and Reid was playing on his "kids computer" (my old desktop from BYU). Just as Brad removed the drive, shook it and said "I think I know what the problem was..." (change started falling out of the drive -- mostly quarters) , Reid ran up to Danny and said, "Daddy, I need a quarter to fix my puter. It's broken!" Ah-hah! Apparantly, Reid thought that our computer worked like the games at Chuck-E-Cheese (his favorite place in the whole world), and he'd been inserting quarters to get the "puter" games to work. After we had a little lesson on "Never, never, never put money into our computer, ever," we are hoping that we won't have any more problems. Reid is actually an incredibly smart little guy, despite putting money into the computer. He figured out our TV system all on his own (we have 3 remotes, and we've never taught him how to use them), and we often find him sneaking downstairs to put on a DVD all by himself.
Hahaha! That is so funny. Kids are so smart. The things they do...ya gotta love 'em.
So funny! It's amazing what they come up with!
That is a great story for the books....so funny and what a smart boy!!
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