Saturday, October 27, 2007

We're not lion...Davis roars!

Here's our latest video... little Davis in his lion towel (thanks, Grams!), showing off his roar. We think that his new way of talking came from his observations of Reidy-boy (our other wild animal!). Enjoy!

Friday, October 26, 2007

That's Incredible...

So, my kids are just starting to get the hang of joke telling. Every night at bedtime Danny and I are subjected to a million bad jokes. Macie's favorite joke is
Macie: Knock-Knock.
Me: Who's there?
Macie: Boo-Hoo
Me: Boo-Hoo Who?
Macie: (Giggling non-stop) You don't have to cry, Mom!! :)

It's cute, not really funny, but cute. She also loves bananna jokes. So when we put Reid to bed, he tells us his favorite bananna jokes too.
Reid: Mom, this is a good joke. You like my joke. Knock-Knock.
Me: Who's there?
Reid: Nanna
Me: Bananna who?
Reid: I not a Nanna! Ha-ha-ha! (he grins mischiviously)
Then he repeats that same bananna joke over and over and over and over again until I never want to see another bananna. Yes, my children are masters of humor.
Sooo... When we dressed up as The Incredibles for the ward Halloween party last week, I was surprised when Macie demonstrated a real grasp of humor. Please forgive me for blogging this crude joke, but remember that it came from a 4 year old (after all, potty humor is some of the first humor they learn... I think that's normal? Maybe Danny and I are just poor examples. Anyhow... .) Macie had to use the bathroom, so we headed to the ladies room and I helped her take part of her costume off so that she could go. She went into the stall, but seemed to be taking quite a long time. Finally I asked her, "Macie, are you all right? Are you done yet? What's taking so long?" She replied, "Mom, I have to go poo-poo too. And it's an INCREDIBLE one. Get it? I'm incredible, so it's an incredible poop?!" (I hear peals of laughter from inside the stall) Hillarious, Macie. But, at least she's starting to really get the hang of humor. :)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Danny's Dani

Danny is proud to announce that he has a new namesake... Dani Clayton! Danny is the Clayton's home teacher, and boy, was he ever honored when they told him that their latest addition to the family (this is baby #7) would be named after him. Little Dani weighed 7 lbs 2 ozs and was delivered last week. We saw her last night for the first time when we brought dinner over -- and she is a little angel! We know that home teachers aren't suppossed to have favorites, but I think Dani is Danny's favorite little girl!

Brace Yourself...

Well, we had a little scare Wednesday night, right after Danny got home. Macie was playing with her friend Stormie, and tried to jump on her back while they were roughhousing on the couch in the living room. She accidently slipped off and fell 1 1/2 feet to the ground. Not a big deal, right? Wrong. She started screaming (which isn't totally unusual for Macie), so Danny went to pick her up and give her a hug. While he was holding her she stopped breathing and passed out -- so I knew something was wrong. It was pretty scary, actually. Danny and I both wanted to be the one to hold her and make things right. Well...we took off her sleeping beauty dress (we always have some sort of costume on), and sure enough, her left collarbone was broken. So we headed to the ER and spent many hours getting triaged, having X-rays, and getting this nifty sling and wrap. Fun times for all (not quite.). At least Macie slept well last night and is dealing with it pretty well. She hates the sling (the novelty wore off about 3 minutes after this picture was taken), but it looks like she'll have to deal with it until our doctor says no more. Who would've thought that a slip off the couch could end in a broken bone?
Thanks to Brad and Cass for watching Reid and Davis in a pinch, and to Katie and Tyler for the brownies and movies while we were at the hospital. You guys rock!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Full of Hot Air

Wow! Check out all of those candles! I had a bonfire going on... Happy Birthday to Me! I celebrated all 28 years of my life in Las Vegas with my family this weekend, and it was lots of fun. Everyone made a huge effort to make my day special, and I really appreciated it. Danny put a lot of time and thought into my gifts (awesome!), Macie and Reid we super-duper nice to me all day, and my Mom made the most heavenly birthday dinner ever! Thanks to everyone for the presents and phone calls! You made me feel loved!

Here I am, blowing lots of hot air to extinguish all of those candles! Thanks for the help, Reid!

Could a BYU fan learn to love RED?

So... my 10 year high school reunion was last week (General Conference weekend ... BAD TIMING!), and I was really sad to miss it, but I did do my fair share of reminicing on my own. When I got out my senior year photos, I discovered that I looked EXACTLY the same (except, maybe a little fatter now). After 10 years, college, 3 kids, marrriage, brain tumor, Utah, you'd think that something would be different, right? Nope. So, I knew that it was time for a change. As if she'd been reading my mind, when I showed up at my hair appointment with Lucia (the amazing hairdresser that has done my hair since I was 13) the first thing she said was "You look exactly the same! You never change." SEE? I was stuck in a rut. Something had to give, and it was going to be my hair. Soooooo...we decided to cut a bunch off (keep it still long with layers in the back, but really hack off the front to frame my face) and give it some color. When we finished, I really liked it (even though I hadn't been thinking "redhead" when I walked into the salon), and I headed home to see if anyone else liked it. The general concensus is that it looks good... although from Danny's surprised reaction, I think that RED may have to grow on him. I guess anyone that bleeds that BLUE can hardly be expected to like anything RED. We'll see if he can learn to love it....
Anyway, he did get a chance to see the BLUE dominate the RED as the Cougars played UNLV the next night at Sam Boyd Stadium. It was so much fun to watch the game with my family and Grandma Gunnell. At half-time I met up with some high-school friends who were in town, and I really enjoyed seeing them too! Go Cougars! Undefeated in the MWC! (I'm praying that they take the championship again this year, so that I have another excuse to visit home to see them play in the Las Vegas Bowl!)

Grandma Gunnell, Danny, Macie, Reid, Me, Davis, Katie, Tyler, Mom, Dad

Cheer Girls

Macie and her friend, Emma, smile at the BYU/UNLV game!

Go Cougars!


As most of you know, Danny worked at the MTC for about 5 years after he got home from his mission, and made some lifelong friends there. Well, last week we were lucky enough to get together with a group of them for a kind-of MTC supervisor reunion, celebrating the return of Shane Littlefield and his family from their mission presidency in Mexico. It was lots of fun to see old friends and faces, and the highlight of the evening was an awesome and inspiring mission report from Shane. I wrote down his mission theme, "todo se puede," in my journal, and recounted it to my brother John who is currently serving a mission in Portugal. I think that everyone was uplifted and encouraged to be better after this reunion. Welcome home, Littlefield family!

Danny, and his hero, Shane

The "Motherlode" -- David Howell, Shawn Nevers, Andrew Hoyt, Danny, Dave Sedgewick, and Chris Jackson. This band of brothers won the coveted BYU Intermural Softball T-shirt every single year!

Two Little Cooks

Macie and Reid have been such big helpers around the house lately, it's been wonderful! What more could a mommy ask for? :)
We have a sticker "helper" chart that gets added to whenever the kids are helpful and happy, and it is almost filled up! So, in another week or so when it is fully completed, the kids and Danny and I will make a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese to celebrate what great helpers they are.
Below is a picture of them "helping" mommy bake some Zucchinni bread. YUM!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Homecoming Cheerleaders

So...I just downloaded a bunch of pictures off of our new camera, and found this cute one of Danny and Macie at the BYU Homecoming Parade. I guess Danny still knows how to do those cheer lifts...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Out of the Mouths of Babes

So... I just have a few minutes to update here, but I had to publish the cute things that my kids said last weekend. They always make me smile! Anyway, my sis-in-law Mel has a little section of her blog with cute things her kids have said, and I wanted to include some of the cute/silly things Macie and Reid say on our blog too...

We (the Davis and Gunnell girls) were all watching the afternoon session of conference while most of the men were up in Salt Lake at the Conference Center. As Elder Ballard finished his talk, Macie suddenly perked up and said "Grams, I can't wait for Grampy to talk! When is Grampy going to be on TV?" It was super cute. She was watching all of the old grandpa-like apostles speaking in conference, and naturally she thought that her grandpa should be speaking at conference with them too. I do think that her Grampy would make an awesome General Authority, actually...

Once again, we were all watching conference together (this time the men were with us), and President Hinckley stood up to conduct. Danny was trying to get Reid's attention, so he asked him, "Reid, do you know who that is?" -- pointing at President Hinckley. Reid looked up at the TV and said confidently, "Yep. Jesus!" Then he gave us this huge grin. Maybe we need to have a few more family home evenings to talk about the Prophet and the apostles?... I thought we were teaching them pretty well, but apparantly we've missed a few things here and there... Maybe we'll have them straightened out by next April?

We (the kids and I) were driving home from Macie's dance class. Suddenly:
Macie: Uh-oh, Mom! Look!
Me: What, honey?
Macie: You're driving next to a girl-boy!
Me: A what?
Macie: A girl-boy. It's right next to us!! Look, Mom!
Me: (turning around slightly to see the "girl-boy." A young man with long pretty hair and a short scruffy beard was driving a truck in the next lane. I smiled.) What do you mean? Is it a girl or a boy?
Macie: It's not a girl and it's not a boy. It's a boy that is a girl too. A girl-boy! You better get away fast!
Me: OK. Don't worry. We'll get away. (I smile and take the freeway entrance I was going to turn on anyway, thus saving us from the evil "girl-boy". Hillarious.)

Anyway, that's all I have time for tonight! Hopefully my kids made you smile, just like they made me happy!