Macie: Knock-Knock.
Me: Who's there?
Macie: Boo-Hoo
Me: Boo-Hoo Who?
Macie: (Giggling non-stop) You don't have to cry, Mom!! :)
It's cute, not really funny, but cute. She also loves bananna jokes. So when we put Reid to bed, he tells us his favorite bananna jokes too.
Reid: Mom, this is a good joke. You like my joke. Knock-Knock.
Me: Who's there?
Reid: Nanna
Me: Bananna who?
Reid: I not a Nanna! Ha-ha-ha! (he grins mischiviously)
Then he repeats that same bananna joke over and over and over and over again until I never want to see another bananna. Yes, my children are masters of humor.
Sooo... When we dressed up as The Incredibles for the ward Halloween party last week, I was surprised when Macie demonstrated a real grasp of humor. Please forgive me for blogging this crude joke, but remember that it came from a 4 year old (after all, potty humor is some of the first humor they learn... I think that's normal? Maybe Danny and I are just poor examples. Anyhow... .) Macie had to use the bathroom, so we headed to the ladies room and I helped her take part of her costume off so that she could go. She went into the stall, but seemed to be taking quite a long time. Finally I asked her, "Macie, are you all right? Are you done yet? What's taking so long?" She replied, "Mom, I have to go poo-poo too. And it's an INCREDIBLE one. Get it? I'm incredible, so it's an incredible poop?!" (I hear peals of laughter from inside the stall) Hillarious, Macie. But, at least she's starting to really get the hang of humor. :)

Cute costumes, Mary! Please tell me you didn't make them..I'll feel very incompetent! And I think Macie's humor is very funny...:)
Nope, I didn't make our costumes this year. I seriously thought about it, but then I found some online for 50% off, so I took the easy way this year. :)
Oh my gosh! Iwas browsing through here and I found your site! How cute is your family costumes... You guys look so awesome! What a cute family. -Jenni
That joke Macie told is SO FUNNY! They say the cutest things. Oh, and I LOVE the family costumes. What a GREAT IDEA! You all look so cute!
love the humor and it sounds like annie all over again...with the knock knock jokes and banana jokes....great!!! I love the costumes too...reminds me of a the Halladays Christmas card last year :) Super cute!
You guys look AMAZING and so CUTE! We are pretty boring...we just dress up the kids. Good job!
Hey there Gunnel family. It's been a long time since I've seen you. I love the costumes. They are so great. We are leaving on Friday to visit Lee an Ginger and I can't wait. We are hoping to make it to Disneyland too. Looks like you had a blast. Happy Halloween!!!
I love the incredible theme. Your husband is such a good sport! Macie's jokes are so funny!
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