Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sweet Sarah
Here is the link to their blog -- our pictures are posted there as her first visitors!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Santas getting in shape?

I HAD TO post these pictures of my parents and little brother running in the million-santa run in Las Vegas a few weeks ago. It's hillarious. I guess they get as many runners as they can to dress up like Santa Claus and raise money for charity while they simultaniously get in the Guiness Book of World Records. I'm not really sure how it works, but if you want to know I'll ask my mom for you. Anyway, my brother did a feature on it for broadcast class, so my mom and dad helped him out by running with him and being willing interview-ees. Hope the pics get you in the holiday mood! :)
Double Take
And, sorry that it has taken me forever to get some new blogs up here. Plan on getting the complete Gunnell family update on Monday morning. Ta-ta for now...
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
We're not lion...Davis roars!
Here's our latest video... little Davis in his lion towel (thanks, Grams!), showing off his roar. We think that his new way of talking came from his observations of Reidy-boy (our other wild animal!). Enjoy!
Friday, October 26, 2007
That's Incredible...

Friday, October 19, 2007
Danny's Dani
Brace Yourself...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Full of Hot Air

Could a BYU fan learn to love RED?

Danny, and his hero, Shane
The "Motherlode" -- David Howell, Shawn Nevers, Andrew Hoyt, Danny, Dave Sedgewick, and Chris Jackson. This band of brothers won the coveted BYU Intermural Softball T-shirt every single year!
Two Little Cooks

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Homecoming Cheerleaders
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Out of the Mouths of Babes
We (the Davis and Gunnell girls) were all watching the afternoon session of conference while most of the men were up in Salt Lake at the Conference Center. As Elder Ballard finished his talk, Macie suddenly perked up and said "Grams, I can't wait for Grampy to talk! When is Grampy going to be on TV?" It was super cute. She was watching all of the old grandpa-like apostles speaking in conference, and naturally she thought that her grandpa should be speaking at conference with them too. I do think that her Grampy would make an awesome General Authority, actually...
Once again, we were all watching conference together (this time the men were with us), and President Hinckley stood up to conduct. Danny was trying to get Reid's attention, so he asked him, "Reid, do you know who that is?" -- pointing at President Hinckley. Reid looked up at the TV and said confidently, "Yep. Jesus!" Then he gave us this huge grin. Maybe we need to have a few more family home evenings to talk about the Prophet and the apostles?... I thought we were teaching them pretty well, but apparantly we've missed a few things here and there... Maybe we'll have them straightened out by next April?
We (the kids and I) were driving home from Macie's dance class. Suddenly:
Macie: Uh-oh, Mom! Look!
Me: What, honey?
Macie: You're driving next to a girl-boy!
Me: A what?
Macie: A girl-boy. It's right next to us!! Look, Mom!
Me: (turning around slightly to see the "girl-boy." A young man with long pretty hair and a short scruffy beard was driving a truck in the next lane. I smiled.) What do you mean? Is it a girl or a boy?
Macie: It's not a girl and it's not a boy. It's a boy that is a girl too. A girl-boy! You better get away fast!
Me: OK. Don't worry. We'll get away. (I smile and take the freeway entrance I was going to turn on anyway, thus saving us from the evil "girl-boy". Hillarious.)
Anyway, that's all I have time for tonight! Hopefully my kids made you smile, just like they made me happy!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
We'll start with July (since that's when I last updated this little baby -- wow, time flies!)... First, on July 8th, little Davis was blessed by his Daddy. Danny gave Davis Ammon a beautiful blessing, and we truly enjoyed visiting with our friends and family who celebrated the day with us.
Davis is such a little sweetheart! Next, we took off for two awesome family reunions -- one with the Davis family (my mom, dad, brothers and sisters) at Lake Powell, and one with the Korth family (Danny's mom's family -- extended) at Bear Lake.
Both trips were tons of fun, and we enjoyed lots of family, lots of boating and lots of sun. Macie and Reid are both becoming pros at inner-tubing and surfing (they surf with Danny behind the boat!), and Danny has been able to successfully land a wakeboarding backflip after all of our lake time. (if only he could do it without letting go of the rope...)
We returned from our reunions to celebrate Macie's 4th birthday, at which Cinderella made a surprise visit from Disneyland. I think it was one of the highlights of Macie's life, up to this point. She was thrilled, and the other little kidlets at her party seemed to enjoy themselves as well. She is a very loved and lucky girl, and we still can't believe that our little "princess" is four!
August brought lots of heat to Provo, and lots of trips for our family. Danny began with a week at Lake Powell with the young men -- lots of merit badges and fun. The boys love him (he's kind-of like a big 16 year old himself, you know...). :) He came back for a few days, and then headed off to Houston, TX, for an oil conference. I was really really missing him by that time, so when he got home we took the whole family to Lake Mead for the Davis family (my Dad's extended family) reunion. Once again, we enjoyed family, food, warm sun and some beautiful water. I don't think I've ever seen Lake Mead that smooth for that long! The highlight of the trip (for me, hehe) was our very last surfing ride ... Danny sported some sassy eurotrunks (sp?) -- basically some tight,white, boxer briefs with the Portugal flag on the front (Thanks to my brother, John, for sending them to us last Christmas) -- and posed for a few minutes as we took picture after picture of him surfing. Danny won't let me post any of those pictures online, but let me tell you -- they were great! :)
As Danny and I lay awake in bed our last night at Lake Mead, Danny turned to me and said "Honey, I can't sleep. I'm just so excited for football season!" So, of course, BYU football (and football in general, for Danny), has been the focus of our family this month. I forgot to mention (how could I?!) the BYU Women's clinic that I attended in August. About 300 women got together with Bronco, his coaches and the players and got psyched up for Cougar football. We toured the stadium and locker rooms, learned theory and had questions answered by coaches and players, and then ran some drills on the field. It was lots of fun. Coach Kafusi (sp?) gave me a really hard time for smiling during the drills -- I guess that "real" football players don't look so happy when they are trying to tackle the other team. :) My friend Lisa and I met up together and even had our pictures taken by some newspaper and TV crews. Whoo-hoo -- I'm famous! Did you see me? Anyway... back to the current football season. We had a blast at the first home game -- we invited Mitch and Dalys Christensen to come with us and try out our new seats. :) Ahhhh, football season really is sweet this year ... we're on the 50 yard line with seat backs on our chairs and everything.
BYU played so well against Arizona that we decided to take a little road trip down to Cali to watch the Cougs face the Bruins in the Rose Bowl. It was our first official Daniel and Mary Gunnell family vacation, and it was a blast! We stoped and visited my family in Vegas on the way there, and then we stayed with my grandparents in Claremont and Downey for the week (thanks Grandma and Grandpa Brown & Grammie and Grandpa Sandy!). Thursday night we hit the Angels game (Angels vs. Indians, we won, 10-3) and the kids had a blast. Reid, our little All-Star, loves anything with balls. :) Friday was our beach day (Seal Beach -- we figured we'd try one out that we hadn't been to before), and even though it was pretty cold, we had a fabulous time as well. I buried Danny and the kids in the sand, we found lots of shells and seaweed, and we watched the sunset from the pier.
Saturday was the big event -- the football game! We tailgated on the golf course with the Halladays (who knew UCLA enjoyed such a sweet tailgating lot?!), and enjoyed the game with the Hodges, Cahoons, and Tingeys.
Monday brought more friends and fun -- Danny golfed the morning away with Jake Hallday, and then we enjoyed family night with the Soren Halladay and Sterling Garns families.
Our last day, Tuesday, we met up with Lee and Ginger Akin and took Disneyland for a ride. Although it was warm, Splash Mountain and fun friends made it a truly fabulous day!
Sadly, we headed home on Wednesday, back to normal life in Provo.
Now Macie is back in school (she started Learning Dynamics preschool this fall) and Danny is back to work. I am back to full-time mommy of three. We are a happy family.
Macie had two soccer games this week, and on Saturday she actually kicked the ball 8 or 9 times (her first game was mostly spent twirling, waving, and smiling on the field)! Reid's favorite thing to do is "be the Dad" -- he pretends to play softball, wakeboard, make breakfast, go to scouts, or go to work (since that is apparantly all that Daddies do!). It's super cute. Davis is getting bigger each day, and I've decided that his new nickname should be "Smiley" since he is such a happy baby. Danny's suggestion is "Pukey," since he is such a spitty baby. :) Yesterday he was laughing for 10 minutes straight while I tickled him on the bed. So, all in all, life is very good.
We love you all and hope that your summers have been as fun and fulfilling as ours was. Please call us or visit us if you are ever in Provo!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
We've got video!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Down at the Ranch

I had to post some fun pictures from our recent (Easter weekend) trip down to the Foote Family ranch near Kanab, UT. We had such a blast, and are super grateful to Katie and Tyler and the Foote family for inviting us to come!
Highlights of the weekend trip included 4-wheeling around the Virgin river, in-and-out of the gorge and up and down mountains (Danny and I had a "special" 4-wheeler -- the Rhino -- which was basically like a super fancy golf cart with great shocks and 4WD...perfect for a pregnant lady with two little kiddies in tow!), fun hikes down and up steep hills and in slot canyons, a homemade Easter egg hunt, marshmellow shooting and ring toss games, beautiful star-gazing, and WONDERFUL company and food. Macie ate so many pancakes while we were there that I thought she was going to explode (and she kept on saying, "Mommy, I really like the ranch. They have DELICIOUS food here!"). It was an awesome weekend, and Danny can't stop asking, "When are we going to the ranch again?"