Well, another crazy month has come and gone -- full of fun, family, & friends. Time continues to fly -- and we've been busy partying here in Provo! Here's some of the April highlights:
Cosmo's Easter Egg Hunt
Danny and Harlin (a little friend from our ward) smile in eager anticipation! Candy! |
Danny J grabs some yummy sugary goodness down on the field. LaVell Edwards Stadium was PACKED! |
We took the whole family down to LaVell Edwards Stadium for Cosmo's first annual Easter Egg Hunt, and despite the LARGE crowd, the kids had a blast. The stadium was full of candy-craving kiddos and their parents. Kind-of a madhouse, but we still left happy. I think everyone from Provo came -- and I even saw some Ute fans there. :)
Davis collected the most candy of all the Gunnell kids, because he was smart and started collecting candy before Cosmo blew the whistle to start. I wasn't sure whether I should be embarassed or proud?! Anyway, thanks to his fast fingers (and all of the quick candy collecting from the other kids) we amassed a huge bowl full of Easter candy, which was, of course, gone in 3 days. :)
I guess you could say that my kids inherited my sweet tooth.
The fam with Cosmo, the candy man! |
Party Hearty
The CRAZY kid, blowing out his third set of birthday candles! |
It took me a while, but I finally gave Reid the birthday party he was begging for. We scored a deal at Trafalga and hosted a laser tag birthday party for Reid and his 12 buddies. Danny led the troops into the laser tag arena, where the wild bunch of seven-year olds chanted "Green Smash! Green Smash!" and attacked the much older and bigger teenagers in the arena. Amazingly, these little guys got second place against the teens and adults they competed against! Way to go!
Make a wish! |
A Screaming Good Time
Check out the emotions on the Frog Hopper! |
We had such a fun time at Reid's birthday party that we were back at Trafalga the next week, with Spring Break as our excuse. The whole family enjoyed the Frog Hopper, Laser Tag, and Rock Climbing! Can't beat that Pass of All Passes...
Macie REALLY LOVED the rock climbing. She scaled the walls in no time! |
Reidy, almost to the top of the giant rock climbing wall |
Danny J Antics
Does anyone want some caramel? |
Danny J is still up to some silliness, as you can see in the picture above. We celebrated Easter dinner with some families in our ward (Danielle and Nancy Tracy, and the Gunters), and enjoyed the lovely weather while eating dessert on the deck. Meanwhile, Danny J was inside the kitchen, serving up a special dessert of his own! We came inside to find caramel on every single paper plate!
Our future missionary proudly poses in his tie and church shoes! |
In the picture above, you can see how he got himself ready for church on Sunday. Danny was so proud and adorable -- I sure love this little guy! He is definitely the easiest of the kids to get ready for church... While Davis and Reid hide from me and beg to wear their BYU clothes, Danny is always eager to put on his suit and tie and get his hair done. He loves it when we tell him that he is handsome like a missionary! And he is getting so big, I'm afraid he will be on a mission before I know it!
Dance Party
Check out these stylin dancers! |
So, our little Gunnell family has been known to have regular dance parties. This month was no exception...we just got the camera out this time. :) I'll spare you the video footage (it may, or may not show my husband twirling his shirt around in the air and throwing it across the room), but we had a blast as always. These kids know how to groove. They must've gotten it from me. (heehee) :)
Reid looks like a pretty tough guy in this pose |
Cute, just like his brothers! |
My little hip hop pair! |
Macie was struttin her stuff |
This "big boy" has his own solo dance party every day! |
Family Time
Smiling with my snuggle bug. |
Although that's it for the pictures, we had so much more going on this month. Visiting with the Korth family for Ashlee Ridge's wedding, two all-day Republican conventions, a goodbye weekend for Clayton and Erika Cravath (we miss you! Come back from Tennessee!), spring break and all of it's adventures, a week long visit with Stephanie Kearl and her adorable boys, and a visit from my parents as we celebrated John and Jaime Davis's BYU graduations. Life has been good and we have been blessed. And we like to party! :) (As you can see below!)
My five boys scrub-a-dub-dub in the bathtub |
1 comment:
Wow, so much fun. I can't imagine how you kept track of the kids at the egg hunt. I love the dance party, we do that too. So fun. You guys are such a fun family. We are excited to see you this summer.
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