I think that I already know the answer to the question that is the title of this blog entry. YES. It is very lame to post 2010 events on your blog in 2011. ESPECIALLY if it is already FOUR WHOLE MONTHS into 2011. But I am going to do it anyway. Why? Because I am a lame person. I like lame things. I'm embracing the phrase "better late than never." And I was too busy in 2010 and the first four months of 2011 to post anything on this little blog. So, prepare yourselves for the lameness that is coming. Here is the last part of 2010 (in a nutshell):

We were a "Super" Family this year, for a "Super"-fabulous Halloween! Iron Man, Super Girl,
Spiderman, Batman, Mr. Incredible and I had a fun night. We didn't even freeze this year!

Decorating pumpkins is always a favorite October
FHE activity. And our kids pumpkins were so
fitting! Davis made a ninja (he is our little warrior), Macie's is a pretty girl (just like our lovely lady), and Reid's was a BYU Football player (perfect for our little jock).

This cute kiddo was obcessed with Spidey for a while last year. At bedtime, I had to tell him spiderman stories. His bedtime song had to be "Spiderman" -- which I don't know the right words to, so, it was different every night. Every picture he colored was of spiderman. And if the song or the story or the picture wasn't "just right" -- well, Davis would let us know. Luckily for us, the spiderman phase has passed. We are now onto the "ninja" phase... (I'm not sure which was better?)
Reid is such a lightweight that I don't know if he could even qualify for a super-duper-ultra-featherweight division, but despite his skinny legs and bony ribs he had a winning season for his first year of wrestling! Danny joined him at bi-weekly practices with the Provo High School wrestling club, and then we all cheered him on at his meets. With such a studly wrestling coach for his Dad, I've no doubt Reid could go far in this sport...

We've heard that they are deer candy, but we figured we'd live dangerously and plant hundreds of them in our newly finished yard anyway. Wish us luck! (So far we have discovered an incredibly potent and STINKY spray that is successful in keeping our herd of 20 deer friends away. The bottle simply states that its scent repels deer and small animals such as rabbits and squirrels. After the first use, we wish the bottle had warned that it would also repel any creature that has a sense of smell. It is a potent human repellant as well as an animal repelant! Peeee-Eewwww! If you are dying for a dangerous whiff, come visit and we'll let you inhale some of this sickening spray.)

Thanksgiving week was spent in Las Vegas for my brother John's wedding to Jaime Bingham. It was a cold but very happy occasion! After the holidays were celebrated, I had the chance to visit with a couple of good friends from high school - Janene and Janae. It was lots of fun to see them and I hope next time we don't wait so many years to get together!

I had to include the pictures of a Provo sunset from our new deck. Isn't it just beautiful? How did we ever get this lucky? This is the view from my kitchen window as I prepare dinner each night. To DIE for!

This blog would be seriously remiss if I did not mention Jimmer Fredette. As we drove home from the Vegas wedding, I think I heard "Jimmer Fredette, nothing but net" probably 2000 times. No lie. We love watching him play. The 4 million views on his youtube videos... are all from Danny and my boys watching him shoot 3's over and over again. But he is even more fun to watch live in the Marriott Center. So, we did watch him live. Just about every game. And we loved it! All of the kids even have autographed #32 shirts after we spotted Jimmer at dinner after we went to a game with Grandma and Grandpa Korth. So, it was very appropriate that Danny celebrated his 35th birthday at a BYU Basketball game. One of our friends got us the hook-up during the time-out... Danny was the guy that ran out on the court to shoot a lay-up and three pointer to win a prize! He made the easy ones, but missed the 3 pointer, darn-it! Happy 35th to a wonderful husband and father!
When all of the family finally memorized "The Living Christ" we knew we had to celebrate. So we planned a fabulous family vacation to the happiest place on earth- Disneyland. We had a magical time and met up with my sister Katie and bro-in-law Tyler and cousin Sarah to share in the fun. We had so much fun using our new camera, too -- I think we took a million pictures (no exaggeration) . Here's a quick slideshow of some of the good times.

Christmastime in Utah would not be the same without a visit to the Temple Square lights. We put this event on the advent calendar, and wouldn't miss it!

Danny J is terrified of Santa Claus. Hates him. Luckily our other kids think he is pretty cool. He treated our family well this year...

This kiddie roller coaster was the big hit this Christmas. As I type this blog, Macie leans over my should and says "Mom, you should say that the roller coaster is "da bomb"." OK. The roller coaster is "da bomb." Everyone loved it. Except for baby Danny, of course, and that's who it was for. Thank goodness he warmed up after a few tries, and now he loves it just as much as his bigger siblings do!

Santa brought Davis (who has a real thing for weapons) his new bow and arrow set, complete with a matching target. Now we can send him outside to shoot the deer away!

Reid, our gamester, is holding "Trouble". Santa brought him his very own snowboard this year. Awesome!

Macie got this fancy-pants vanity with a plush cushion seat. She smiles pretty as a princess when she preens in the mirror.

I'm not a big fan of winter weather and snow, but even I couldn't deny the beauty of the winter wonderland we've been living in much of this season! Our super duper new camera is fun to use when we are surrounded by such beauty. And look at my handsome snow shovelers below. No need to fear the snow when I've got such good looking workers to keep my sidewalks clear!
1 comment:
I loved all of it. I am so glad you posted all of that. For the record, it is NOT lame at all. This is history you are writing and it is never to late to write it. Plus, for people like me who never get to see you guys, a post about halloween is just as appreciated in April as it would have been in October.
Love you guys!! We miss you.
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