Davis is obviously back to his little 3 year old self, as you can see above. Yep -- he's got his mud boots on (the shoe of choice these days), pajamas, a warm-up jacket, Reid's T-ball helmet, and a blue bat -- and he wants me to pitch to him in our MESS of a yard. We've lost 3 balls and a plastic bat to the track-hoe and dump truck this week. All is well. :) The only real set-back we've noticed is that Davis is now only "semi potty-trained". The doctor said it is quite normal, considering all of the trauma that he's just experienced. Oh well. So much for having only one child in diapers -- back to two we go. I'll take it.
Here are some pictures of the "little project" we began several weeks ago -- our back deck, covered patio, pergola, and west-side yard as it SLOWLY progresses. As most construction projects go (so I've heard) -- it is taking much longer than expected, and of course costing more money than we wanted to spend. Good thing I've got a master negotiator for a husband who is good at getting prices down and workers to move! Sadly, it won't be done by the Fourth of July so that we can have a rockin' party. At least we will have a rockin' yard when it's all said and done. :)

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