I wrote this blog before we hit Lake Powell. Now it is old news, but I'm still going to post it anyway before I blog our latest Lake Powell and Disneyland pictures!
Life is good for the Gunnells. The title of this blog entry comes from a funny tongue-and-cheek blog that pokes fun of our LDS Utah culture, but in this case it really applies. So, I'll use the cliche . . . we are seriously so blessed! :) I really have become a Utard.
This past month has been full of fun and blessings. July fourth was a great holiday in Provo, as always. I ran the 10 K and the kids all cheered for the parade. We loved hanging out with the Halladay family at their great home along the route. And, of course, we were pumped for the highlight of the evening, -- the Miley Cyrus (a.k.a. Hannah Montana) concert. Macie had been talking about it for weeks. Well, as soon as Miley opened her mouth and started singing, Macie said, "Mom and Dad, can we go home now? I don't like this." Fabulous. Well, we made her stay until the fireworks at the end. Here is our "happy" little family at the show and the parade -- well, at least the boys weren't crabby about it!

The next weekend I was able to spend some "girl time" with my good friends from book club. Here we all are at dinner together . . . it was a lot of fun to get away and just relax for a couple of days. Thanks to my friend Misha for letting us invade her home! I love you guys!
Monday, the 14th, was a momentous day for us. We faced our neighborhood thug in court, and were blessed to have the judge (who was a grumpy Judge Judy type) re-sign our stalking injunction against this troubled young man. We felt so supported by our good neighbors and friends who wrote letters of evidence. Special thanks to Steph, for staying up late talking to Danny and giving us her legal opinion for free. We are so happy to have a happy, quiet, safe cul-du-sac again. If he comes anywhere remotely near us, he's going to the BIG HOUSE. I honestly wouldn't be sad to see this guy in the slammer, in fact, I think it would be a service to society. We'll see if he decides to disturb our peace again...
Danny took off with a potential investor when I came home, flying on a private jet to a huge ranch in Colorado (next to the Disney family and Ralph Lauren's ranches). He joked about wanting a similar ranch someday. If we ever do, you're all invited to come and visit. :) Anyway, he had to hurry home to join the priests in Nevada for the stake high adventure camp. I'm pretty sure that he really enjoyed it -- they found trilobites, explored awesome caves, hiked to and swam in freezing glacial lakes, and did other boy stuff. I'm proud of him for being such a great YM President.
The next week we celebrated Macie's 5th birthday on Pioneer Day . . . can you believe that she is 5 years old?! That means kindergarten and all sorts of big kid stuff. She was a real cutie-pie and enjoyed her "Enchanted" party the night before her big day. On the 24th we had our family celebration, with Daddy at Seven Peaks. Do you remember my blog in May about Davis's cake falling apart? Well, this time it was just fine (seeing as we didn't have any punk guys threatening us and no cops were over at our house!). Yeah!
Here's some pics of the kids and their latest hobbies. Reid loves making huge rows with all of his cars and balls (can you see the pride on his face) and Macie loves dressing up with her friend Abagail. Macie also auditioned for her dance studio's "mini" company, and made the team! Here she is, posing at home before her audition. Good times. (until I have to clean up those cars and balls, that is!)
We've been busy the past few weeks with boating and getting ready for some serious surfing and wakeboarding at Lake Powell. We can't wait to hit the water with the Bairds and the Johnsons, and then later with the Davis family.
We hope that you are all doing well, wherever you are. We've been slackers at blogging and checking the blogs of our loved ones, but we promise to try and do better once our vacationing is over. We love you all and hope that you've been having fun too!
looks like a ton of fun!!! We look forward to living close enough to everyone again to be able to participate in some fun traditions like the 4th of July with you guys and the Halladays!!! You are one busy woman, I don't know how you do it all!!
hey m, can you make my girls birthday cakes!! that is amazing.
I am looking for Traske Muir's father. Could you please give him my email address? It is alaskanmomwith5@alaska.net. I grew up with Traske in Juneau Alaska and need to contact his father. Thank you.
Samantha Kiser
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