The kids, Danny, and I all had a blast visiting Uncle Tyler's ranch near Kanab. We hit Cedar Breaks on the way there, and enjoyed hiking and four-wheeling in the hills. Baby Sarah was a doll (as always), and it was super fun to see Grams and Grampy too. Thanks, Tyler! We love you!

Reid finally decided to potty-train himself. After two weeks without any accidents (well, I guess he did have one accident when he saw the snake in the garden...), we took him to Chuck-E-Cheese to celebrate. He really really loves that place, although you'd never guess it from the photo we took there!

Here I am in the Salem Triathalon and the Provo Triathalon. I'm proud to say that I did very well in the Salem Tri, mainly because they cancelled the bike. I beat Danny's partner Kimball by quite a bit, which was kind-of fun (I'm not competitive at all... :) ). The Provo Tri, a few weeks later, took much longer than I expected -- due to a stinky bike leg. But, on a positive note, I did have the best cheering section out there. Thanks to Grammie and Pops, Lisa, Melissa, Ange, Mike, Lizzie, Kate, Cassidy, Danny, Macie, Reid, and Davis for cheering me on. You're the best!

We loved the Gunnell Family Reunion, held at the Laketown Lodge at Bear Lake, UT. You can see the fun we had at the family luau, out on the lake (watch out for that crazy driver -- he's just like his dad!), and playing in the sand. What kind of bad parent would let their baby eat sand and get it in their nose and mouth...? Oops.

I think Danny had a good father's day. We sure tried. He is the best dad! Here you can see Reid feeding Danny grapes as he relaxes on the couch. The kids also posed with the homemade tie they made for Dad. He was a sport, and wore his "superdad" tie all day long!
I am so grateful for the wonderful father that Danny is, and for the wonderful fathers and grandfathers that we each have. Dads, you rock! Happy belated father's day!

Amy and David requested some funny family photos, so we took these and made a special collage for them. Aren't we lovely?
You guys rock!!!! Thanks for updating the blog, we love to hear about all of your fun adventures and you guys are welcome at the ranch anytime! There is even electricity there now! Although we still like kickin' it old school with flashlights, lanterns, and gas lights. Anyway, let's all go again soon.
We love you guys!!!!!
I love to see updates!! Your kids are so fun! You guys are always having fun! Way to go on the Triathalons Mary!! We miss you like crazy!! Love the Texas Gunnells
LOVE the pictures! Way to go on the triathlon(s) and the kids are as cute as ever! Fun, fun to see the updates.
isn't it frightening to find out somebody's been lurking on your blog? sorry. I just wanted to say I loved the picture of Macie doing the hula...i'll leave you alone now.
We love your family!! You are just so cute. We had a great time on the boat and dinner. Thanks for a great time :-)
Yeah a new blog, love all the pics. Seems like you guys have been busy. Seems like you are super woman to me with all those triathalons. Next time we will have to come and cheer your on!!!
looks like a fun packed summer, what great memories. I'll take photos any day as an update rather than nothing. Your kids are adorable and way to go on the triathalons....better woman than me!
Mary, even in your silly photos, you are still so pretty.
I love having you for my friend!
Danny and Mary, we love you guys and your blog. We spent about an hour looking through your blog and realize how much we miss you guys. You have a great family and we will have to get together next time we are in Utah. And I am soooo curious about the neighbor problem now.
Way to go Mary doing your triatholons! Your blog is great & I think picture work just as well as a huge paragraph describing your busy days! Your little ones are so super cute!
Hey Danny and Mary (and all your friends and family) - go take a look at our blog - theclaytonclan. You will love it!
What's up Gunnell Family? Yes, we are stocking you! We barely just started this blog business, and we are finding everyone! We love it! Can we just say that you have the cutest family?!
I'm not sure how I stumbled upon all these blogs of friends from college, but alas, here I am.
Hi Danny, and family, Your kids are super cute! Glad to see you are doing well.
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