Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Nine LONG Years
Reid presented this gift to Danny and me this morning -- a picture he'd drawn of the temple as an anniversary present. How did I ever get so lucky? I have such great kids and a wonderful husband! Here's to nine happy years (Danny likes to say "LONG" years) and an eternity to look forward to.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Everything!
It's only taken 6 months, but our blog is finally up-to-date! Here's the first four months of 2011 in reverse, starting with "Happy Easter" (yesterday). Enjoy our Happy Everything blog!
Hard to believe that I'm actually blogging an event the day after it occurred, but it's true! Here's our happy family in the backyard, wearing the new Easter suits and pretty pink dress from Grams and Grampy. Thanks for helping us go to church in style! :)
Danny loves this little plasma car. Last week I let him roam free, and he rode it all the way to the end of the cul-du-sac!
This mischevious grinner stands by the tulips that are just starting to bloom. Thank goodness that the stinky spray keeps the deer away!
Cutie pie Macie scrunches up her nose by the fountain.
Look at this future missionary!
The hunt is on... these are the worst Easter morning pictures we've ever had. I guess a fancy camera doesn't ensure that you have great photos, does it?

We stopped by for a quick visit on Sunday night, and were pleased to see Grandpa looking so good! It was lots of fun talking to Grandma and Grandpa about the best books we've read lately, and reminiscing about those good ol' BYU cougars and Jimmer. We brought our new dog (Danny J) along, and he spent 20 minutes crawling around, panting and licking our feet. Ping pong, tang shakes, and jellybeans made the night complete! Thanks for a great evening! Check out Davis, Reid, and Danny's faces in the picture below... we took the photo right after we told them we were leaving. I'd say that they weren't too happy to go!

I made the mistake of giving the boys chocolate ice cream cones in the car. This is what I found when I got home. Chocolate covered faces, hands, shirts, and car seats. Not the brightest idea I ever had, to be sure. But it sure made for some fun faces!

More winter storms, this time in April! These snowy trees are what we saw outside on conference weekend. Beautiful, but can we say "Brrrrrrrrr!"? And as I write this, it is snowing outside again. Yesterday we had wind, rain, sun, snow, clouds, hail, more sun, and then thunderstorms. Mother nature is reminding us that, yes, she is a woman. :)

We have a new member of the Gunnell family. Nope, I did not give birth to a 5th child (yet, that is...). May we proudly introduce...... Rocco Gunnell, Reid's Eastern Russion Tortise. Look at Reid's excitement when we gave him his special birthday gift -- he was literally jumping for joy.
Davis was running around the room shouting, "Look at me, Mom! Look at me! I'm faster than the tortise. It's the tortise and the hare! And I'm faster than him! I'm faster than him!"
Here are the two Reid Gunnells, both on their birthdays (March 19), both wearing BYU shirts, both with blue eyes with a brown stripe in one eye, both celebrating at a family party at our home. Twice the fun, for sure! We enjoyed a winning BYU Basketball game, yummy food, and great company!
Reid, Pops, and Katelyn celebrate their birthday together! Rah-rah, rah-rah-rah! Goooooooo birthdays!
Reid celebrated his birthday in style with 12 of his "closest" friends, BYU football style. We ran drills, beat the candy out of a football pinata, and munched on pizza and chocolate football cake. The favorite drill was the tackling drill, where the kids ran and tackled giant beanbags to the ground. Happy 6th!

Here's what happens when I dress the kids in green and make green eggs and ham for St. Patrick's Day. I get this goofy photo shoot. Despite the silly faces, the kids enjoyed this green meal, as always. Davis is still asking me if I can get some more green milk at the store...
I told Danny J to smile. This is what he did. I can tell we'll have some great family pictures coming in the future if this is what a smile is...

This is what I deal with every day. Crazy kids. Lots and lots and lots of coloring. And lots of BYU apparel.
Danny J is a sensitive soul. This is how he reacts if I don't hold him. It doesn't matter if I'm kneading bread dough or chopping veggies for a salad or whipping up some cupcakes or washing dishes or folding laundry. His feelings are hurt that he isn't the thing in my arms. I am such a mean lady to ever make him wait.
"Look at my mean mom (that black stripe is her dress). She is cooking a scrumptious dinner for our family. I am heartbroken. And Dad thinks it is so funny that he is taking my picture."
"OK. Everything is better. Mom is holding me and she gave me a bottle with root beer in it. I love it when my mom and dad give me soda pop in a bottle so my teeth can rot away and my bones can turn to mush. Now I know she loves me. "
Davis can sometimes be found running errands with me while he is dressed in his Yoda costume. He then makes Yoda-like comments in the grocery store, such as "Like it, I do" while pointing to a box of Cheese-its. Who could resist buying cheese-its when Yoda says he likes them? I couldn't. The force compelled me to get a box.
See Danny's blurry, yet mischievious grin? This kid keeps me on my toes all day long.
Here we are when we beat San Diego State. Being a cougar fan was soooooo fun this season!
In March we were lucky enough to make it to Las Vegas for the MWC Tournament. We enjoyed lots of hot-tubbing and family fun with my parents, the baby blessing of our newest nephew, David Steven Foote, and Jimmer playing in his prime. It was amazing to be there and watch Jimmer score 52 points! I believe that Jimmer has strengthened our marriage. :)

Four cute kids dressed in Valentine's duds!

Danny J is not too shy to give lots and lots of kisses!

Macie, our dancing queen, started off her competition season in January. Grams and Grampy happened to be in town for her first performance, and came to support her at the Thanksgiving Point Show Barn. She was hitting it hard, this little mover and shaker! Her "cool" brothers were there to support her too!

Since Macie's birthday falls on Pioneer Day, we haven't really had a birthday party for her for 2 years. So, this year she got a half-birthday party. We had a "Tangled" theme, and we celebrated by taking 7 of her little friends to the beauty school to get their hair and nails done. Party games included pin the frying pan on Flynn Rider and find the hidden crown in the satchel. We had a blast! And I couldn't think of a more fitting theme for our own long haired princess!

"Young" at Heart
I love my calling as 2nd counselor in the Young Women (over the Beehives). Here I am with my cute girls for an activity in January. They are so much fun!
Danny works with the Young Men, as the First Counselor. So we were together with the youth for the Book of Mormon Marathon in the first part of 2011. Here we are, reading our scriptures side-by-side. We read the entire Book of Mormon in less than two days!
Oh Deer
Here is Davis, with the deer that Dad shot in our yard. Without a license. Yep. By accident, well - kinda. This deer was eating our flowers, so Danny went out with his pellet gun to scare it off. He pumped up that gun and shot him at close range, marveling at what a stupid deer it was to not run off. Only after he shot the deer did he realize that it was severely injured -- and probably had been hit by a car before struggling down to our yard. He called animal services and let them know we had an injured deer on our property. When we went back outside, the poor thing was dead. That pellet gun must've punctured his lungs. Davis and Reid were pretty impressed that their Dad could kill a deer...
Xin Nian Quai Le
Chinese New Year was truly a party with our Chinese classmates and tutor, Justin Lin. He taught us how to make delicious pot-stickers (authentic, too!), and we enjoyed a fun cultural celebration! Here's to a year full of prosperity and good fortune!

Go Vols!
Our friends, Clayton and Erika Cravath, are from Tennessee and I love to tease them about always wearing orange. So... when they got back to Utah after celebrating the New Year in Nashville, we laughed that they brought back orange hoodies for the boys and an orange tu-tu for Macie. Thanks for being fun friends!
Happy Easter

Grandma and Grandpa Korth

I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream!

Baby, it's cold outside!
Birthday Boy
Breakfast in bed for this happy six year old! He woke up to a room filled with balloons and some warm french toast. His little brothers were a little jealous. Thank goodness he shared!

Reid's Birthday x 2
Kiss Me, I'm Irish!

A Day in the Life

Love Is In the Air
I Like to Move-It Move-It

"Young" at Heart

Oh Deer
Xin Nian Quai Le
Go Vols!

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