Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Some Useful Information

I am laying here, sicker-than-sick, miserable and cranky. Yes, I am sick, AGAIN. This has been the winter of disease at my home, and once again, I'm afflicted. This time, it's strep throat. I do have some newly acquired, useful information to share about it, however. Next time you get strep throat, if your doctor offers you a choice between oral antibiotics (Z-pac or Ammoxicillin) or a shot, TAKE THE ORAL ANTIBIOTICS. I am a living witness that the shot is a VERY BAD IDEA. My doctor convinced me that the oral antibiotics might be too much for my system right now, with how nauseated and retchy I've been, and that the shot would be the best way to go because I wouldn't have to worry about throwing it up. In retrospect, I see that it was poor advice, but I bought in. "A 2 second shot and I'm cured," I thought. How wrong I was. Enter the nurse with a TWO-INCH NEEDLE as thick as a straw, instructing me to pull down my pants. Then she tells me that this huge shot is the consistency of peanut butter, so once she pokes me, it will take a "LITTLE WHILE"  for her to push it all in. She recommends that I FIRMLY GRIP the examination table as I bend over. GREAT. Then, when she is done, she tells me that the shot doesn't work for 24 hours. WHAT?!?!  So here I am, 11 hours later, still with fever, aches, pains, pounding headache, incredibly sore throat, AND a left butt-cheek that THROBS. Take my advice. Oral antibiotics for strep.


After a small, cozy Christmas in snowy Utah, we headed off to tropical paradise with the Davis family. Thanks to Grams and Grampy for a fabulous, all-expenses paid trip to beautiful Oahu, Hawaii! We had a great time being together with the family, and we really enjoyed the sun and warmth. Ahhh... what I wouldn't give for sandal weather again! This CA/LV girl needs an attitude adjustment when it comes to snowy Utah weather...
I was fat and lazy in Hawaii (Dr.'s orders to take it "very very easy"), but I guess if you are going to sit around and do nothing, Hawaii is probably the best place to do just that. Danny caught some waves at Dukes beach, the kids were buried in sand and built mountainous sandcastles, snorkeling at Hanauma was sweet, and we loved our time at the PCC and the Laie Temple. The kids couldn't get enough swimming time in! I think they are half fish...
Here are the pictures of our fun Va-Cay:

The whole family together, under this beautiful giant tree at the Honolulu Tabernacle.

Macie and cousin Sarah holding hands as Grampy and Tyler walk the streets of Waikiki.

Davis loves his Uncle Brian!

Feeding the turtles at the Sea Life park. Davis was a little nervous.

Macie trying out her surfer-girl skills.

Danny teaching Reid how to hang-ten.

Can you guess which one of our kids didn't like being buried in the sand?

Reidy is just like his Dad... never shy of showing off his muscles!

Macie loved spending so much time with Grams and Grampy! Every morning we were their wake-up call!

The kids loved Danny lifting them in the waves.

Our family poses together during a fun beach day! It was beautiful!

A pineapple princess at the Dole Pineapple factory.

Play that ukulele, Pineapple Boy!

Smiley little pineapples!

You should hear him on his real ukulele. Very entertaining. Such a great souvenir.

Yum-yum. Not just one, but TWO HUGE pineapple sundaes. Could life be sweeter?

Beautiful kids at the beautiful Temple.

After church at the Honolulu Tabernacle.

Surprise! Elmo lives in Waikiki. Who knew?