Friday, July 17th, was a momentous day -- baby Daniel Joseph Gunnell was born! After going several days overdue, we decided to force him into this world, whether he wanted to come or not! We woke up early to check into Timpanogas Hospital, and around 8 AM they started me on a Pitocin IV drip. An hour later they broke my water, and at 9:30 AM they started my epidural. When they returned 15 minutes later to cath me, they decided to check me again (I was "half-way" there when I'd first checked in, to begin with). Well, wouldn't you know it... I was already complete. My nurse called Dr. Savage (and told her to HURRY!), and as soon as she got there little Danny boy was born. 10:25 AM. Ooohhh, he hurt coming out! :) Even though I had an epidural, it wasn't in full effect, so this was probably the closest I'll come to natural chldbirth. No thanks! It was quite painful. But it was worth it to have him here. :) The nurses were teasing me about setting the world record for fastest induction. Daddy Danny was able to catch his slippery little namesake, with some help from Dr. Savage. He now wants to be referred to as "Doctor Danny".
Baby Danny came out sleepy and sweet, and has hardly cried since he was born 3 days ago. He is a real live doll! I think he looks like his sister Macie -- definitely the "Gunnell" look -- cute little nose and mouth, pudgy cheeks and the same little chin as Davis. We love him lots and lots. Here are some pictures of his first few days of life:

*On our way to the hospital -- one last "preggo" picture. We had to take one with Cougar Stadium in the background -- just in case baby Danny wins the Heisman Trophy some day.

* The little guy is just so snuggly! I could kiss him all day long!

*Just call him "Doctor Danny" now.... We actually have a really cool picture of him delivering the baby, (the student nurse took it as an "live action shot") but it's a little too graphic to post on the family blog. Sorry folks. :)

*Brand spankin' new!

*One quick photo before they started me on the Pitocin drip. We were excited for the little guy to come!

*Dr. Savage poses with Danny. Doesn't he look happy to be here?

*Whoo-hoo! A new little brother! All 4 Gunnell kids in one hospital chair.

*Big bro. and big sis. giving Danny some love!

*Davis was making funny faces for the camera. :)

*Reid plans on teaching baby Danny how to play basketball and football.

*Macie is a mini mommy -- I know she'll be a huge help with the little guy!

*So happy to have my little guy here!

*Daddy is proud of his baby Danny.

*Davis specializes in giving baby Danny lots of kisses.

*Uncle John came to visit his newest nephew

*Grams has been a HUGE help! We'd be in trouble without her! And the kids have been loving their lives!

*We're so happy that Grampy could fly in and see baby Danny on his birthday!

*Happy to be home!!!