I will start by getting all of my whining and complaining over with, so that I can focus on the happy things. Here is my miserable pity party:
Danny is gone. The whole week. Today and tomorrow he is in Colorado for work, and Thursday through Saturday he is gone to Woodbadge. He will be gone next week for Woodbadge too. He is missing the dinner date we had planned for Wednesday night, and I can't even go by myself because the babysitter just called and cancelled. The window people left my house REALLY DIRTY. I cannot stand a dirty house. My back hurts because I had to move some VERY HEAVY furniture that was displaced by the same window people that left my house dirty. I just ate a bowl of ice cream because I am depressed, and now I am feeling fat because I ate a WHOLE BOWL of ICE CREAM at 11 PM. Macie yelled at me today and said that I am not a nice mom. I am quitting potty-training Reid FOREVER because he likes to wet his pants. And my kids did not get to bed until 10 PM tonight.
That's it. Not really so bad, when I take a step back. It is easy to see all the blessings in-between the not-so-good things. Danny's gone? Well, at least he's working hard to support our family and magnify his calling. It could definitely be worse. He's not in Iraq, or anything, after all. He's missing our fancy date? Well, at least we had the money to buy tickets for the charity dinner in the first place. And we'll save money now by not paying for a babysitter. Plus, after eating that bowl of ice cream, the last thing I need is a big dinner anyway. Speaking of the ice cream, I am grateful for food -- extra food, at that. Considering how much of the world lives in poverty, what a blessing it is to be living at this time and in this place. Now, onto those "window people". I am definitely happy about getting new windows. Even if my house did get dirty. It is worth it to have beautiful, clear, clean, fresh windows! And I probaby needed the exercise that lifting the furniture gave me. Maybe I'll build some muscle out of it? Finally, my kids. I am so grateful to be a mother, even on the rough days. And, I guess it's OK that we stayed up so late, because we did enjoy watching American Idol together, reading lots of good books, and snuggling close together in one big bed!
Thanks for indulging my little pity party. Now I'll get to the good stuff. Last week my mom visited for a few days, we enjoyed General Conference, and we had a fun get-together with the siblings and cousins as a "farewell" event for Brad and Cass (leaving for Baylor Law School April 26th). Last night for FHE we enjoyed some melt-in-your-mouth steaks that Kimball and Rebecca Hodges grilled up for us, and the kids had a blast playing with Emma and Edison. Here are some pictures of the week:
Macie and Reid enjoy jumpin' at the Zoo too!

What a good daddy! Reading books to the kidlets in-between conference sessions.

What a good daddy! Reading books to the kidlets in-between conference sessions.

Taking my conference notes with a smile - Elder Ballard was talking to me!
Davis holds hands with cousin Cade. They could totally be brothers ... almost twins, by their coloring!
All of the Gunnell cousins get together for a photo-op: Reid, Walker, Cade, Jackson, Davis, Macie, Katelyn, Cassidy, Elizabeth, Brylie, and Brody. Who knows when this will happen next? And will the couch be long enough?
Grandma Gunnell graciously hosted this crew for the goodbye get-together. Amazingly, I think EVERYONE is smiling (and I didn't even photo-shop!).
Since we joined FHE forces with the Hodges we decided to forego the Gunnell Family Accomplishments this week, but I will list our weekly conference quote. Our lesson was on Elder M. Russell Ballard's talk, written specifically for young mothers (Gee, I wonder why I liked it?). Since it is only available in mp3 format, I just wrote it down as I heard it. Hopefully, it is not off too much.
"Let us remember that the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children. The scriptures and the teachings of the prophets and apostles help all family members to prepare together now to be together through all eternity. I pray that God will continually bless the women of the church to find joy and happiness in their sacred roles as daughters of God."
"Let us remember that the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children. The scriptures and the teachings of the prophets and apostles help all family members to prepare together now to be together through all eternity. I pray that God will continually bless the women of the church to find joy and happiness in their sacred roles as daughters of God."
Mary, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has pity parties for myself. It sounds like you deserve it! Having a husband who is gone for TWO weeks is awful, not to mention potty-training woes and all the other things that are keeping you busy. My advice is to eat more ice cream...you are training for a 1/2 marathon so I'm pretty sure your body needs the calories! I'm sending lots of love your way and I hope the time that Danny is gone goes fast and your children are absolute angels!
Mary, I love your post. We all get down sometimes, but I pat you on the back for taking a step back to count your blessings. Its hard to see the positive when we are going through trials, but they will only make us stronger! My prayers are with you. If you wanna hang out to keep yourself busy, let me know!
good luck with the upcoming weeks...know how you feel...it gets tough when there's no one around to help out with the kids at night...I like to feed them in the bath, so it's less clean up for me and then give each of them a night with mom...staying up late and sleeping with me so I have a little company. We all have been so blessed though...way to keep it all in perspective. My kids have the same potty issues...aaaagh!!!! I think I stopped Alyse at some point also b/c I was always cleaning up wet spots on the carpet!!!!!
Here's to a better week this week! I am so sorry about your week last week, and wish I would have read it earlier...I would have come gotten the kids for you! It was fun to read through the rest, though, and get all the updates! I can't believe how much you guys do! You are up to a lot of good! It's just in your nature to always be busy serving people and being good parents! You're the best!
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