Thursday, March 08, 2012

What A Week (or two!)

Luke loves it when Davis sings to him (Davis makes up new songs to sing to Luke every day!)
 Well... Luke is two weeks old now, and what a wild two weeks they've been! His long hospital stay and many follow-ups kept us super busy -- and with our older kids involved in a million other activities it has made life a little bit crazy! I have a feeling it is not going to slow down...

Here is the 2-week update on the little guy:
2-week weight: 8 lbs 9 ounces (he is a good little eater!)
2-week height: 20 inches (I think this is shorter than he really is -- the nurse wasn't the best at measuring and he was wiggling around!)
Bilirubin tests OK and now he's been immunized and circumsized. Yikes! Poor little Luke.
Someone doesn't like his first bath...

He doesn't scream much, but when he does scream it is VERY LOUD!

Saturday was a blast for the kids, because Dad was home and - amazingly - there were only three things on the schedule for the day. So, after basketball, cleaning the office, and helping with an Elder's Quorum move -- Dad was all theirs. They went sledding for a few hours and then proceeded to build our entire family out of snow! I can't believe our first (and possibly only) snowmen this year were built in March. That's crazy Utah weather for you, I guess...

Davis was a PRO at making the big snowballs. He did this all by himself. Seriously!

Macie made her snowman snowballs using her hats as gloves
Reid decorated his snowman with a carrot... doesn't it look just like him?

The cute snowman family is finished!

Snowman Sunset

Of course, our life wouldn't have been the same if Macie and Reid hadn't been busy with dance competitions. Lots of them! Thanks to Grams for helping them get ready and for cheering loudly at their competitions! I'm happy to say that they both took first place in all of their dances (5 company dances, plus Macie's solo routine!) and Macie's company won first place in the overall category too!

Reid rocks out to "Rio"

More of Reid's smooth moves

Macie shows off her stuff in "She's in Love" - This won the first place overall!

Reid rockin the coffee grinder in "It's a Small World"

Macie's solo routine -- I made most of this costume. NEVER AGAIN will I be sewing a feather costume. I hope. :)

Macie was awesome -- we were so proud of the way she nailed her solo!

The "Fly Right" beauty strikes her finishing pose!

Reid really performed well for the judges...Danny even overheard some spectators commenting on how great they thought Reid's dancing was!

Oh yeah, baby. Reid rocks!

And, lastly, there was the Wasatch School Talent Show. I wasn't there, because I was at the hospital with baby Luke. And although Danny and Grams were there and whistling loudly for Macie and Reid, we didn't take any pictures or video because life was kind of crazy and we forgot. So, sadly, we have absolutely no video of Reid playing the piano (his favorite, "The Crawling Spider," a spooky song that he has memorized!). But Macie's teacher WAS on the ball and taped her solo routine and emailed me the link. So, for all your viewing pleasure, here is Macie performing "Fly Right" for the K-3rd grade talent show. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 03, 2012


Cute Grams smiles with three of her boys in blue! We love you tons and tons, Grams!
 Thank you, Gracias, Merci, Xie xie, Danke, Arigato, Takk, and so on for all of the help we've been given with baby Luke! The biggest thanks goes to Grams for giving up ten days of her life to come and take care of our whole family. She is Super-Mom! I don't know how we could've survived the past week and a half without her here to cook, clean, fold laundry, iron shirts, drive to school/dance/sports/hospital/etc, do hair, brush teeth, cheer at talent shows and dance competitions, help with homework and piano practice, play basketball with the boys, etc. Mom, you are amazing and we love you tons and tons and tons! Thank you Grampy, as well, for loaning us Mom and for coming up to Utah and helping us too! We miss you already (and it's only been one day!).

A big "Thank You" also needs to go out to everyone else who has helped us! I usually hate asking for help, and I'm often reluctant to accept it when offered -- but our awesome friends and neighbors have been real lifesavers! I'm so grateful for you all! Thanks to Tiffany Dixon for giving me two hours of sleep (I don't know how I would've delivered this baby without it!) and for watching the boys in a pinch when I went into labor! Thanks to Jaime for holding down the fort during labor, and to her and John for taking care of Davis and his explosive issues while I was with Luke in the NICU. Thanks to Clayton and Erika Cravath for spur of the moment babysitting so we could manage dance competitions with sick kids and NICU feedings, and for some delicious Jambalaya! Thanks to the Gills for chauffering Macie to and from dance, and to the young women for the service shower and dinner! Thanks to Kimberly Lohner for an AMAZING baby quilt and enough dinner to feed us for two days! Thanks to Cynthia Lewis, Tina Robertson, and Marianne Richardson for taking my boys to the zoo on Wednesday! Thanks, thanks, thanks to everyone who has given us service and helped us out! We love you all! We have been truly blessed by your service!

It was so fun to have Grampy with us for a few days!

Smiling after helping with Luke's first bath