We've been busy here at the Gunnell home -- with lots of happy events and celebrations.
Of course, I'm super behind in blogging it all, so here is a brief (and mostly pictoral) update!
Smiling before we headed to the temple for sealings! |
Danny and I celebrated ten LONG :) years of marriage last month, and finally had our first real date since Luke has been born. John and Jaime (thank you!) came over to hold down the fort while Danny and I did temple sealings and enjoyed a fancy dinner out on the town. The sealer was super sweet and let us be proxy for extra marriages, so that we could really focus on the words of the covenant. It was a neat way to celebrate -- Danny and I were both in tears as we knelt at the altar. Thanks for 10 great years, Danny!
Danny J loved his "Happy Everything" Ninja Turtle cake! |
I promised Danny J that if he did all his pee-pee and poo-poo on the potty that I would make him a cake for a "potty party." It was the only thing that seemed to motivate him to use the toilet. Thank goodness something did! :) So, true to my promise, I made him a fancy Ninja Turtle cake, and we brought it to the Bairds to share in the potty party. We put A TON of candles on top and took turns singing to everyone -- happy potty party to Danny, happy birthday to Cassidy, happy birthday to Davis, happy birthday to Mike, happy anniversary to Danny and me, happy 2 months old to Luke, happy 5 days old to Lucy, etc, etc. Good thing I had super tall candles, because each of the kids took a couple of turns blowing them out! I was worried we were going to set off the smoke alarm!
Two month old Luke with his newest cuz', Lucy |
We finally got a picture of Luke and Grammie! |
We had fun visiting the Bairds, eating Danny's cake, and meeting our newest cousin -- Lucy. Angela and Melanie were induced on the same day -- April 25th -- so Luke has two cute little girlie cousins that are just 2 months younger.
If you look at the picture below, you will see a really sweet older brother. Whenever we drive somewhere, Davis has the job of holding the pacifier in Luke's mouth. It's his special job to "make Luke happy." And he does a good job of it too! :) This cutie-pie fell asleep doing his job when we were driving home from our visit to the Bairds.
What a good big brother! |
Macie's got a green thumb! |
We've done lots of planting in our yard, and with the church as well. Here is Macie Ann, helping the young men and young women of the ward as they planted flowers around Provo.
Davis was "King" for the day! |
Our birthday boy woke up to a yummy breakfast in bed of crepes and bacon, and his day just got better from then! :) Dad took the day off of work to celebrate with our VERY EXCITED five year old, and we made it a day never to be forgotten. Davis said many times throughout the day "This is the best birthday ever, huh?!"
The sweet crew of brothers and sister prepared a yummy surprise breakfast! |
Following the breakfast in bed, Davis went on a scavenger hunt to find his presents. He was thrilled to get a baseball bat, baseball tee, BYU hat, scooter, dartboard, ladybug land, slip-n-slide inflatables, and especially a kid fishing pole and magnetic fish. Since then he has spent HOURS and HOURS playing baseball, scootering around, and fishing from the landing on the stairs!
Future baseball MVP! |
Davis has been anxiously watching the ladybug larvae grow this week -- and today he drew a diagram of the ladybug life cycle! What a cutie-pie! |
Davis's specially requested Ninja cake. His Ninja party is coming soon! |
What happened here? See the black lips? See the holes poked in the black Ninja frosting? |
More Danny J antics, of course. While I was outside putting Davis's scooter together and Dad was teaching Davis how to cast his fishing line -- DJ was inside poking his fingers into Davis's birthday cake and licking them. Yum (for him!). Yuck (for us!). Luckily I was able to perform cosmetic surgery on the Ninja so that Davis could blow out his candles...
Make a wish |
We headed to McDonald's for lunch, and then Trafalga for dinner and laser tag/race cars/bumper boats! It was so much fun! We love you Davis and we are glad that your birthday was a blast!
Davis tried rock climbing for the first time! Brave boy! |
Speeding around the track with Dad. Dad "never loses" -- or so he claims! |
Getting hosed in the bumper boats! |
Reid loved squirting his brothers and Dad! |
Danny tried to squirt the camera lady (me!). That stinker! |
I enjoyed a fabulous mother's day, complete with breakfast in bed, dinner cooked by Dad and Macie, and "the treatment." Look at what a lucky mom I am -- I have the best family in the world! And I am so grateful for the wonderful mothers and grandmothers I have as well! What a happy happy day!