Tuesday, May 29, 2007

We've got video!

I finally figured out how all of those smart bloggers get video on their blogs! Whoo-hoo! Our first video clip to post is Macie's dance recital from last weekend -- she was GREAT! Yep, I was definitely a proud parent! Even though she is the youngest in the class (all of the other girls are already 4 or 5 years old), of course I thought she was the best! Aunt Katie and Uncle Tyler came to support her and cheer her on (THANKS!) -- and she was elated. I was surprised by how many people there were at the show -- we had to wait in line for 45 minutes to BUY tickets to the recital (isn't that suppossed to be a FREE perk of paying for dance lessons, a COMPLIMENTARY dance recital??!! Apparantly not anymore...), but I guess it was so crazy because it is a "prestigious" studio. As if the little kids really know the difference. Anyway, Macie was fabulous, and I hope you enjoy her little show!

Dancing Queen - Macie's First Dance Recital

May 19, 2007

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary Danny! Who knew that 5 years of marriage could pass by so fast?! We celebrated the day with some proxy sealings at the temple and an overnight stay at Sundance. The next AM we hiked Stewart Falls -- it was tons of fun! Thanks to Katie and Tyler for watching our kids!