Ummm... no excuse for waiting until March 2010 to blog. I'll try to just jump back in as if I've never left off. Here are the Gunnell family winners and losers for the past few weeks:
*Macie: Her sweet PeeWee Company took first place in all three of their dances at the Dance America competition at Thanksgiving Point! She danced her heart out. :)
*Davis: He won the coveted pig trophy for spectacular eating of his dinner. Our once-picky boy has become the champion of the dinner table.
*Reid: This sporty little cutie was obcessed with the Olympics almost as much as his daddy was. He hit the slopes at Sundance on Saturday, and is well on his way to a gold medal in the Winter Games someday. :) In the car, he told me that if I wanted to be a good ski-jumper, I needed to learn how to "slow my rotation." Sure thing.
*Danny: The cougars spanked the Utes and TCU last week. Good times. He also beat me in our gameroom basketball shoot-out. Dang it!
*Macie: Adios, front tooth. Our smiling sweetie bears a striking resemblance to a jack-o-lantern!
*The Cougars: Against New Mexico, at home last week. It was a sad time...but not for long. A fun dinner out with Grandma and Grandpa almost made us forget the loss. Let's hope we beat them at the MWC tournament!
*Mary: Although I'm technically a winner after a planning and hosting a successful New Beginnings Program at our home, I was a colossal failure when it came to potty-training Davis last week. He LIKES being wet-and-sticky!?! Such a quirky kid. I think I'm quitting for good. He can wear diapers until he's 18.
*The home teachers: While cleaning up a VERY messy kitchen the day after the New Beginnings program, I jokingly asked the kids who came into our house and made it so messy. Reid exclaimed, "I know Mom! It was those Home Teachers! They messed up our kitchen!" Sorry, guys. Looks like you got a bad rap.
*** Editor's Note: Since this blog was initially posted in the beginning of March, we've added a few winners and losers to the list:
*Macie: Lost ANOTHER front tooth and is completely toothless!
*Cougars: UNLV took them to town at the MWC tournament. The curse of the Thomas & Mack?
*Mary: Winner. Why? I got to be lazy all weekend while visiting my parents in Las Vegas for the tournament. Hot-tubbing. Bowling. Out-to-eat. Shopping. Grandparents spoiling me and my kids. :) I love my family!
That was hilarious about the home teachers. Ha ha. It sounds like Davis and Baby R are in cahoots, except she is 3 now, still in diapers and after my last attempt to potty train she was told she doesn't even get a second chance until summer.
Congrats to Macie on the dance competition. Did you cry? I am so sappy about stuff like that. I love seeing little people succeed!! Yay Macie!
What a fun post! Sorry about potty training... Kate still wears diapers at night, thanks to her father's genetics, we think...you know bed wetting is genetic? So fun! Have fun practicing skiing, too!
Love, the Bairds
Love it when you remember to post. Don't worry I'm almost as bad. Anyway how has it been three months since we have seen you guys. Oh yea I remember, we had strep, had colds, went to the doctor a dozen times, Jonny got married, and I'm sure there were a million other things. Isn't it amazing how times flies! Sounds like you guys were probably pretty busy too. Anyway Dave's fam is in town next week so I'll call you when they are gone, maybe it will be warm enough to go to the playground, probably not but heres to hoping. Love ya,
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