Of course, we all spoiled him, and he was thrilled with his many gifts of balls, bubbles, swords, books, Buzz Lightyear, and a trampoline (which he has to share with Macie, of course). He's 100% boy, alright! Thanks to all who sent gifts or came to the party -- as you can see from the photos above, Reid really had a wonderful day. Of course, he was tired out by the time it got dark (after a full day of jumping on the trampoline, who wouldn't be?), but he still had enough energy to blow out his candles 5 or 6 times! Danny kept re-lighting the cake, Reid would excitedly blow the candles out each time, and then command "Dad, AGAIN!" It was lots of fun!
I still can't believe that my baby is two years old! What's even more unbelievable is that we will have a new little baby in May! The doctor says that things seem to be going well, and that she doesn't anticipate any problems. So, hopefully baby Davis will come without incident. I just hope he decides to come on time ... I am not looking forward to being pregnant any longer than I have to!
1 comment:
That cake is awesome!!! I just love the faces Reid makes when he is excited. Such a character!
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