Sunday, December 24, 2006

It's A Boy!

Well, we have some good news and some bad news. The good news is, after my ultrasound on Monday -- we know that the baby is a little boy!!! We are sooooo excited for Reid to have a little brother to play with (and we know that Macie will be a great big sister to these two little fellas!). The bad news is... the ultrasound tech said that the baby and I are pretty small -- and instead of being 20 weeks along, she thinks I am more like 18 weeks along. So... even though we were sure on our dates before, she predicts that they will move my due date back 2 weeks, from May 8th to May 24th! Can you believe it? Could an expecting mother possibly hear worse news? I'm going to be pregnant for 2 MORE weeks?!?! Auuuggghhh!

Luckily, we had a good week with more good news to soften the blow of the extra-long pregnancy. Danny and I (and the kids) drove down to Vegas for the BYU Bowl Game, and we WON!! That's right, BYU 38, Oregon 8. It was a great game, and we were lucky enough to enjoy it with Danny's dad, Aunt Sherri and Uncle Tracy, Uncle David, and Brad and Cass. Plus, we got to stay the night with my parents, which was an added bonus. Macie opted to watch it on Grams and Grampy's big TV, but Reidy came and seemed to really enjoy himself, despite the cold. Above, I've posted a few pictures from the memorable game! GO COUGARS!

1 comment:

Julie Rae said...

We were at the game too! GO COUGS!