Monday, December 25, 2006
Ho, Ho, Ho!
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Due to popular demand (well, one request other than from Danny), here are some pictures of the Gunnell family Christmas. Macie got her "big girl bike" from Santa, and especially loved her new movie (Mary Poppins) and baby doll (pictured above). Reid couldn't get over his toy train set (see the excitement as he cheers for it?), his bean bag (white thing in background -- already been broken in with lots of jumping), and toy airplane. But he was heartbroken when he opened his new movie and had to wait until the rest of the presents were opened before watching it. As soon as he saw the movie, he said "Come on, guys!" and ran downstairs to the TV! What a tough time it was having to wait until his other presents were opened. We sure got a kick out of the big fella's excitement!
We love you all and hope that your holidays are merry and bright! We are so grateful for the many blessings we have and the many gifts we have received -- especially the Savior's gifts of His life and atonement. We pray that His spirit will be with you this holiday season!
Merry Christmas!
"You know Donner and DANCER..."
After I posted yesterday, Danny reminded me that I'd left out some important pictures -- namely, those of our daughter in her first Christmas dance performance and subsequent Gunnell cousin nativity later that evening. So, for your viewing pleasure, here are some shots of Macie the dancer and Macie as Joseph (this year it was cousin Elizabeth's turn to play Mary). She was adorable in both performances!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
It's A Boy!
Well, we have some good news and some bad news. The good news is, after my ultrasound on Monday -- we know that the baby is a little boy!!! We are sooooo excited for Reid to have a little brother to play with (and we know that Macie will be a great big sister to these two little fellas!). The bad news is... the ultrasound tech said that the baby and I are pretty small -- and instead of being 20 weeks along, she thinks I am more like 18 weeks along. So... even though we were sure on our dates before, she predicts that they will move my due date back 2 weeks, from May 8th to May 24th! Can you believe it? Could an expecting mother possibly hear worse news? I'm going to be pregnant for 2 MORE weeks?!?! Auuuggghhh!
Luckily, we had a good week with more good news to soften the blow of the extra-long pregnancy. Danny and I (and the kids) drove down to Vegas for the BYU Bowl Game, and we WON!! That's right, BYU 38, Oregon 8. It was a great game, and we were lucky enough to enjoy it with Danny's dad, Aunt Sherri and Uncle Tracy, Uncle David, and Brad and Cass. Plus, we got to stay the night with my parents, which was an added bonus. Macie opted to watch it on Grams and Grampy's big TV, but Reidy came and seemed to really enjoy himself, despite the cold. Above, I've posted a few pictures from the memorable game! GO COUGARS!
Baby, It's Cold Outside!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Thanksgiving Kids
Cruizin' thru Thanksgiving . . .
November was a busy month for our little family -- mostly with vacationing! We celebrated Danny's 31st birthday on the 17th, then headed off to Portland to spend Thanksgiving week with his family. It was lots of fun (and we ate entirely too much!). As soon as we finished stuffing our faces full of turkey, Danny and I left the kids with Grammie and Pops, and we headed off to stuff our faces some more (this time, on a "company" cruise). Our 7 day cruise took us to Costa Maya, Roatan (Honduras), Belize, and Cozymel. We had a blast (except for the last day, at sea, when I got really really sick)! Our favorite stop was Honduras, where we rented scooters with Brad and Cass and explored the island on our own. We tried a jungle zip line with 21 platforms, the iguana farm, Fantasy Island, and then had an adventurous ride back to the boat in a rainstorm. It was awesome. We also really enjoyed cave tubing in Belize, dune- buggies and the beach in Costa Maya, and snorkling and Mayan ruins in Cozymel. We were not ready to return to reality, except that I REALLY REALLY missed our kids. So, we flew back to Portland and greeted them with lots of hugs and kisses. We were grateful to Grammie and Pops for taking such good care of them.
Now that we are home, we've jumped right into the Christmas scene. The night we got home Danny hung the lights outside (Way to go, Dad!), and the next day we bought a tree and decorated the inside of the house. Friday we did all of our remaining Christmas shopping, and as soon as we get our Christmas cards mailed we will be ready to relax and enjoy the season!
We love you all and hope that the holidays find you healthy and happy! Merry Christmas!
Monday, November 06, 2006
BYU and Fall Fun!
Halloween Fun!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
"Bigger" News
Well, it's late Sunday night, but I am faithfully doing my duty to update our little blog. Our lives here in Provo seem to be moving like a whirlwind, but we honestly don't have much new news. Our one bit of "big news", of course, is the fact that I am getting bigger. (I am expecting baby number three, due May 8th.) I'm 14 weeks along and feeling gross, as most expecting mothers do. I'm hoping to be out of the yucky stage soon! Macie insists that the baby is going to be a girl and that we name her "Leafy Palm Tree". Sorry to anyone who might've suspected but who wasn't "formally" informed -- we held off on announcing until my birthday a few weeks ago.
I've continued to stay busy as the Republican precinct chairperson, and anxiously await November 8th, when the elections are all over for a little while. I sure hope that the voting goes well nationally -- I'm actually pretty concerned this time. Unfortunately, our Republican candidates here in Utah county aren't anything to really brag about, but they are better than the alternatives. Maybe I'll run myself in a couple of years, when the kiddies are grown? Who knows.
Macie is now potty trained, which is a major accomplishment for the whole family. We had a party and called almost everyone we knew. Macie is also loving her dance and gymnastics classes, and delighted us at her recent Halloween recital. She was allowed to wear her costume, which, appropriately for our family, was a BYU Cheerleader Uniform. I matched her, as football player #1 (Fui Vakapuna), and Reid and Danny went as Curious George and "the man in the yellow hat". They were such a good lookin' pair -- Reid, with his huge monkey grin and Danny, in his tight yellow pants. We collected WAY TOO MUCH CANDY. If you visit us in Provo, we will send some home with you.
Reid, although only 19 months old, has now learned how to swim. We signed him up for these infant swim lessons with his cousin Katelyn, and now he can jump in and swim to the other side of the pool by himself. He wears these mini flippers and just kicks his way across, face in the water, eyes open and all. I call him my little fishy, and he loves it. He hasn't yet learned how to take breaths yet, so still not a safe idea to go swimming without mom, but a great start! We are proud of him.
We've continued to cheer on the cougars, as our family is TRUE BLUE, THROUGH AND THROUGH. Four and 1/2 years of marriage, and the kids and I haven't missed going to a game with Daddy. That's dedication, if you ask me. Saturday morning Danny signed an oil deal with a member of Notre Dame's Board of Regents, so I've been informed that we will now be traveling to South Bend for every BYU game there in the future, as well! A dream come true, I'm sure. :) I am happy to report that Danny's company is having success and that we've had a nice little travel-free spell with him. It is so much more fun when Daddy is home.
We love you all and hope that all is well! Can't wait to hear what your families are up to!
The Gunnells
Mary, Danny, Macie, Reid, and "Leafy"
Monday, September 25, 2006
Marathon Photos
Marathon Photos (2)
The Marathon!
I'm happy to report that Saturday was a success -- 26.2 miles ran, and I am still alive to tell the tale. Of course, I'm gimping around today, but I am still alive. And I'm thinking that it will be several years before I try to run another marathon.
It all started on Friday night, when, after 5 months of training we drove up to Logan to get ready for the race. We had some hotel shuffles (our first hotel wouldn't allow our kids to stay!!), but finally got settled into a room and enjoyed a yummy pasta dinner with the other marathoners. We chatted with my Uncle George and his running buddy from Las Vegas, asking advice and getting psyched for the run.
The next morning I awoke at 4:30 am to catch a bus to the top of the mountain. At the drop-off it was pitch black, except for the stars in the sky and an array of glowsticks lighting port-a-potties and a trail down to a huge heated tent we huddled in for the hour before the race. Finally, the shots rang out and we started down the mountain. It was below freezing, but beautiful. The trees were changing colors and there was a little stream along the road. Very picturesque.
After 14 miles of running, we were through the canyon and suddenly had spectators. I anxiously scanned the crowd for Danny and the kids, but they were nowhere to be found. I was afraid that they were lost or had slept in! Each mile further I became more and more concerned. Luckily, I noticed them at mile 17, banging pots and pans and cheering me on! They inspired me to keep on running! Apparantly, someone had misinformed Danny as to what mile marker he was at -- they'd been waiting there for over an hour, and thought maybe they'd missed me!
Every other mile from then on, I saw Danny, Macie, and Reid with their pots and spoons, cheering me on. Danny probably ran a mile himself, trying to get a picture of me in action! Around mile 20, they were joined by Mike and Elizabeth, who had come to support me as well. It was awesome to have them there!
When I hit mile 21, I felt like my feet were broken, but I still kept on running. I wasn't tired, so much as achy. Finally, after 4 1/2 hours of running, mile 26 came along and Macie presented me with a homemade medal, which she and Daddy had made. It says "#1 Mom!" -- and I think I like it even more than my moose medal for finishing the race. I am so grateful for the support of Danny, Macie and Reid -- and to everyone who called to wish me luck and let me know of your support! Special thanks to the Baird family, too -- Angela's awesome marathon sweatshirts and Mike's driving up to Logan really meant a lot to me! I couldn't have done it without all of you! Thanks!
Well, after the run we waited for a little while to try and gather the clothes I'd left behind at the start, but finally gave up and just left so that we could catch the BYU game in Provo. We made it there by half-time and had lots of fun sitting next to our old friends, Chris and Misty Jackson. Later that night Macie and I enjoyed the Relief Society Broadcast.
I know that this update is getting long, but I have one more story to tell before I finish. Yesterday (the DAY AFTER THE MARATHON), I was sooooooo sore. Yep. I was limping around church and all around our house. Well, after dinner Brad and Cass and Melissa and Danny all wanted to go on a walk. I thought they were crazy if they wanted me to walk -- I was in too much pain. So we borrowed a wheelchair (yes, I was that much of a gimp to need a wheelchair), and went on a family walk. Julienne Vance joined us, and it was fairly enjoyable riding along. Well, when we were almost home we encountered a llama at the farm. All of the adults and the older kids were afraid that it would spit at us, so we were backing away from the fence, but Reid was so excited. He kept on calling it "Mama! Mama!" instead of "Llama!" (I hope he doesn't think I look like a llama!). Anyway, he really loved that llama. Suddenly, the llama dove down and tried to get Reid's head. It was so funny. Reid went from shouting "Mama!" to screaming, and Danny hit the llama and saved our boy from being sniffed or having his hair eaten. As soon as he was safe, Reid was calling to the "Mama" llama once more. What a fun night!
Well, we love you all and hope that all is well! We are excited to see Brian and Mel (and family) and Stephanie and Will this week, while they are here recruiting at BYU! If any of the rest of you happen to come to Provo, please give us a call! Take care!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Summer Photos
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Falling back into a routine...
We are beginning to settle back into our "routine" of life again, and Macie has been especially busy, since she has begun taking dance and gymnastics classes this fall. She has always been an exceptional dancer and cheerleader (with Daddy's teaching, of course!), so we thought we'd give her some formal instruction. I love going to her dance class and watching her go at it -- she is super cute, shaking her booty and swishing around the floor. After dance today, Macie ran out of the room and shouted, "Mom, she said that I am such a good dancer! I did so good at ballet!" It was so fun to see her that excited. I can't wait until her first official performance.
Reid has been talking more and more every day, and it is fun to hear what things he chooses to say. For example, at the dentist office on Monday, when Macie got a purple "Belle" toothbrush, Reid grabbed it and said "Princess!" Of course, I didn't think Danny would be too thrilled with his first-born son talking about princesses, but I was quite proud (after all, "princess" is a tough word!). Most of what he says begins with "I want...". He had also shown a new facination with cars and trains, and "Vroom-vroom" and "Choo-Choo" are other favorite words. It sure is fun to be able to communicate better with the big fella.
Now that we are done with Lake Powell trips for the summer (This last trip, with the Davis Family, was TONS of FUN!), we've tried to get our fill of Utah Lake before the weather is too cold. A week ago we took our favorite neighbors wakeboarding with us, and by the time we got done it was dark and we were munched on by swarms of mosquitos (Reid has 13 bites!). Well, as luck would have it, they must've been Egyptian mosquitos, because 2 days later our kids came down with what we think (I'm 90% positive) was West Nile Virus. Actually, I would classify it as West Nile Fever, as it was the least severe form of the virus. They both had temperatures of over 103* Farenheit, headaches, muscle aches, nausea, etc.. I debated taking them in for the blood tests and official reporting, but, luckily, the fevers finally broke Saturday, and they are fine now. Let's just say that last week wasn't the most pleasant of times for the Gunnell children. Our advice would be to avoid mosquitos at all costs!
Just before the mosquito incident, our family had another unfortunate occurance. I'd decided to go on a bike ride (pulling Macie and Reid behind me) down to the river trail, because I wanted to take advantage of the nice weather we’ve been having. Well, as soon as I got to the trail I was attacked by all of these bees, and they were landing on my face! Being big and brave like I am, I started screaming and took both my hands off the handlebars to hit the bees off my face. BAD IDEA. I totally crashed my bike off the trail, but luckily I didn’t crash all the way into the river. I really scraped up my hand and knees, but amazingly, Macie and Reid were untouched. The worst part about it was that this guy who was fishing about 150 yards away saw me do it, and came over to make sure I was alright. My injured pride was what hurt most. Of course, I explained about the bees, but I don’t know if he really believed me. I’m sure that it was worthy of the America’s Funniest Home Videos grand prize if anyone had caught it on tape. Oh, I am so graceful.
Sadly, my biking stunts broke the front wheel off of the bike trailer, and now it can no longer double as my jogging stroller. So this week, my marathon training is solo -- babysitters watch the kids while I run like crazy to prepare for Sept 23rd. Saturday morning I ran 19 miles, my longest run yet, and felt like I could still run further when I was all done. At this point in my training, I am anxious for it to be over and done with. Macie and Reid and Danny are preparing to cheer me on by banging pots and pans with metal spoons. I'm excited for their support!
We love all of you and hope you are keeping busy and happy as well! We'll continue to give updates and we hope that you'll update us as well. If you are ever hungry and it's a BYU football game day, come over early for one our traditional pre-game barbeques! We love you all!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Belated Birthday Photos (1)
Finally, we had a week where Reid didn't have stitches, or a black eye, or a mosquito bite on his nose or something like that! So, although he was 15 months when these were taken, we call these his 1 yr. birthday pictures. While my friend Raquel was at it (she's amazing with the camera, huh?) -- we also took Macie's 3 yr. birthday pictures and a few headshots of me (for a lady in my ward who says she wants to put me in a commercial -- lets hope its not for hemorrhoid cream or yeast infection ointment or something terrible!). Anyway, I love the pictures and thought you might too! Enjoy!