I was going to blog this on TUESday, when it had been TWO weeks since I'd blogged last, but it got TOO busy. So, here is my late "Ode to 2" :)
TWO Weeks
The baby chain is down to less than TWO weeks! Crazy! Dr. Savage says I'm dialated and effaced and ready to pop, but with my history, that doesn't really mean anything. I looked at my calendar for the next few weeks, and this baby isn't allowed to come until after church on the 26th, no exceptions and no matter how miserable I may feel. I have way too many appointments and things TO-DO until then! Then, PLEASE, come baby come!
TWO Dancers - No TUTUs!
Macie and Reid performed in their first dance showcase of the year at Thanksgiving Point, and they did fabulously! It was fun to see Reid with his Hip-hop company for the first time, and Macie was the star of the show with her Dance Force company. We loved cheering our TWO dancers on!
Reid, looking tough in his Rio costume |
Macie showing off before her I Gotcha dance. I love this one, because she had a great solo finish to the routine! |
Check out this hair-do. I can't believe I have to do this fancy thing before EVERY SINGLE COMPETITION! Is her company director trying to kill me? Chelsea is a great choreographer, but this hair really is TOO much! |
"TOO"th expert
Just call him "Dr. Davis!" |
Davis had a dentist come and visit his preschool, and he was selected from all of the kids to be the "future dentist." He was so pumped when he came home and showed me his new TOOthbrush and TOOth-brushing chart. We had to go onto the internet and google pictures of plaque and tooth decay. It was actually nice to have a short diversion from looking up gold mines and maps. :) And he has been super good about brushing his teeth lately!
Terrible TWO?
The happy cell phone caller! |
Danny J could never really be a "terrible TWO" -- but he is quite precocious, I'll tell you that! As you can see, he is holding my cell phone. Which he loves. And loves. And loves. And loves. And I recently had to have a special tricky password installed on it because he loves to use my phone to call Grams and Grampy and John and Daddy multiple times every day! He had it all figured out, how to unlock my phone and scroll down my contacts and then dial up his favorites. The little stinker!
Last week I thought he was playing in the playroom while I got Reid and Davis ready for school, when suddenly he walked into the closet, talking to my brother John on my cell phone. Never mind that it was 7:30 in the morning. Never mind that when I talked to John, I found out it was the fourth time Danny J had called him that morning. And never mind that when I checked the phone log, I discovered that he had already called my parents four times that morning TOO. Oops. Sorry to everyone who has gotten TOO many early morning calls from my TWO year old! :)
TOO Many Kids (in the bed!)
Three kids in Mom and Dad's bed, no Mom and Dad! |
We have a problem in our house. The boys love to get in bed with Mom. So much so that my bed is invaded EVERY night. I am at the point where I can't sleep much anymore, so I just get up at 5 and start doing stuff. Danny usually endures the squished space until a decent hour. :) But last week, even Dad couldn't take it any longer. There is not enough room in our bed for five people to sleep comfortably! So, he made his way to the boy's room and slept in their beds!
What are we going to do when we have five kids trying to get into our bed?!
The boys have invaded! |
Poor Danny. It was such a miserable night (after a string of many squished and cramped nights) that I had to document it with a photo! |
TOO Much TO-Do!
I may look happy here, smiling with Danny J at the kids dance show, but behind those smiling eyes there is really hidden panic. Why? Because I have entirely TOO much TO-do before this baby comes, and my list just keeps on getting longer instead of shorter! I am a big planner and perfectionist, and lets just say I am VERY ANXIOUS and NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING PREPARED for this next baby. Pray for me, because I need it!
And that's it for the Gunnell Family update. I was going to put videos of the kids dances on the blog, but then I rethought it and decided to put videos up when the kids are at the end of the performing season and their dances have been perfected and totally cleaned up. Maybe that means you'll never get to see them, if I stop blogging when the baby comes... :) Just try and imagine Reid getting his groove on to "It's a Small World" and "Rio", while Macie gracefully does back walk-overs and splits to "Wild Horses" and get's funky to "I Gotcha" and playful in "She's In Love"... they are TOO cute!