I can't believe that January is almost over! Time has truly flown by this month, as I rush about in my hyper-nesting mode (just one month until baby Gus-Gus comes!) and manage all of the family fun going on. Here are some January highlights:
16 games in 1 month!
Reid and Davis were both playing (on different teams), and really started to get the hang of futsol in their first indoor soccer season. They were both the youngest/smallest on their teams, but they sure hustled and made it happen! Today we cheered them on at their last games, where Reid scored three goals and Davis scored the starting goal of his game! Goooooaaaaaal!
Cute Danny J cheers his big bros on! |
Tired Mom and Macie spent lots of time on the bleachers cheering on our boys |
This was a kick for a goal, of course! Go Reid! |
He was hustling and broke out of the pack! |
This soccer cutie was pretty intense! |
Go, Davis, Go! |
Down the middle, Davis! |
Macie has had a HUGE Native American Report project for her 3rd grade class, and has spent hours working on her written report and indian craft/project every weekend. Last weekend she learned how to make Flathead Frybread, which is pretty similar to scones or Navajo Tacos. Of course, Davis and I helped out, and it tasted delicious! Now we just have to make it again in two weeks for her whole class... :)
Have you ever seen a cuter cook? |
The best sous-chefs a mom could ask for! |
Roll it, girl! |
Yum! We DEVOURED the frybread!
A few weeks ago we celebrated Grandma's 80th Birthday with a super surprise party, and last weekend we finally took her out to celebrate her big day. We are so glad that she was born, and we're thankful for the wonderful Grandma and Great-grandma she is!
We took every crayon at Macaroni Grill, and ate till we were ready to burst! |
Enjoying the awesome surprise party! |
Macie and cousin Liz had fun together at Grandma's big bash |
Winter brings BYU Basketball, and this year we've been enjoying our season tickets next to Grandma and Grandpa Korth and Grandma Gunnell. We sorely miss Jimmer, but have hope for our young team to be awesome next year. Gooooo Cougars!
I love to listen to Danny J cheering, "Defense" or " Go Cougs!" |
Davis is very creative... and he always seems to have a different kick that he's on. A month ago his big thing was his rock collection. Before that, it was Power Rangers. Before that, it was fishing and finding worms. Before the fish and worms, it was pointy objects (pencils and nails) to kill the deer. Before killing the deer, it was cowboy guns and real lassos. Before that it was bows and arrows. Before the bows and arrows, it was slingshots, and fighting knights, and on and on... We try to support him in all of his unique endeavors, but sometimes even we get stumped. The past two weeks he has been set on finding GOLD. I've printed at least one hundred "gold maps" and supervised/assisted hand drawing many many more gold maps. We even made a special "gold map box" to store all of the maps. But now he really really wants to actually "follow" his maps and find the gold!?!
Luckily, I have an enterprising husband who has researched and found a solution. Apparently, you CAN find gold in UTAH, even with a four year old. Danny is planning a gold panning trip with Davis as soon as American Fork Canyon thaws out in the spring. Davis is going to save his money to buy special gold panning equipment. I love this little treasure seeker!
A few of the MANY gold maps! |
The sweetest treasure seeker around |
Danny J has been on a little kick lately as well -- drawing pictures for Grams and Grampy! Last week I think he drew over 100 pictures meant for Grams and Grampy -- which I then have to fold and place in an envelope for him to mail! It is cute to see him get so excited.
His other creative outlet was cutting pieces of paper into a million tiny pieces, but I put the kabosch on that a few days ago (I've now hidden all of the scizzors in the house!). Scizzors + two year old = big trouble and HUGE messes! I'm glad this little guy is a budding artist!
Some of his beautiful pictures! |
So many drawings he can't hold them all! |
And that's the happy January update. Our January lows have been:
Everyone (except for Daddy, thank goodness) has had something yucky this month. I had three weeks of a horrible hacking cough, Danny J and Davis both had the stomach flu, Reid lost his hearing in his left ear and has a terrible cough/cold, Macie got the cough/cold bug, we've had fevers, headaches, tummy aches, body aches, pregnancy aches, etc. Hopefully -- after missing school and multiple MD visits and antibiotics -- we've gotten all the illnesses out of our system and can have a healthy home and family for this new baby to come home to!
We were so excited for it to finally snow... but all of that water so fast and so furious ended up flooding the basement gym along the North wall! Danny took care of it all (pulling up carpet, moving heavy exercise equipment, setting up fans and heaters, etc) and even jimmy-rigged a drainage tube outside to fix the problem. He is my hero!
As January comes to a close, we are all hoping that February will have as much fun and happiness in store! I will be especially pleased if this baby comes by his due date and we won't have to wait until March to see him!